Page 7 - Digital Version For Web SDW Bridal 2015 (2)
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Robert Tussey Carol LeBeau Sharon Hightower Gerald Neff Dr Penny Michelle Abrams
Robert has been a Carol LeBeau spent Born in CA, Sharon With more than 40 years Dr. Penny Is a clinical
published writer for close to 30 years as a grew up in Lakewood. living and working in psychologist Psy Lic 20753 in
over thirty years and beloved fixture on San She was married at South America in the La Jolla, providing individual and
has been providing Diego News. Today eighteen and had two agriculture and forestry couple counseling as well as
editing services for she is enjoying her children. She has 9 business, topped off with personal, professional and
the past twenty-five. retirement, as well as grandchildren whom 25 years in the U.S. Em- corporate coaching and high
As a musician, he a second career as an are her joy. Her first bassy and Peace Corps. conflict mediation. Visit her
has written scores of in demand speaker at career was business, His writing experience website at sixtyminutesofclarity.
songs. His life has functions throughout but she made a mid- includes local publications com for more information.
revolved around his San Diego. In addition life career change and years of U.S. She can be reached via email at
music and writing, to her many speaking in the 90s when she Embassy reports; so sit
often melding the engagements, Carol earned her MA in back and enjoy the ride.
two into articles and is a columnist for San TESOL (teaching
interviews. Diego Woman speak- English) from CSULA
ing about life after her and started teaching.
news career. She currently teaches
at Palomar College
and CSUSM. She
recently went back to
school and received
her MBA from PLNU
in 2012. Sharon
enjoys writing and has
a blog at rockon65.
Samir Kagalwala
Samir an Electrical
Engineer by profes-
sion now retired and
consulting, Samir has Deeba Van Overberghe
long had interests in Daughter of an artist,
writing, music and Deeba grew up with San Diego
photography. His the influence of art all Woman
freelance writing around her. Deeba has
has been published dedicated the last 14
in professional years to refining her
magazines and news artistic talents and abili-
papers. In 2002, ties in Fine and Decora- Pamela Waller-Niven
Samir moved from tive Arts and Illustration. Pamela Waller-Niven is a
Chicago to San Diego She has illustrated poet, freelance writer and
and has since been books here in San entrepreneur. Pam's love
happily enjoying the Diego, painted murals as of art led to her to write
beautiful weather. far away as Indonesia "Interpretive Verses" for
Samir can be reached and flown to places like paintings by San Diego
at Samir.kagalwala@ Wyoming and Hawaii for artists featured in their Decorative Painting. gallery shows. She has a
BA in International Business
from SDSU. Pam is working
on two poetry books, a
cook book and developing
her line of greeting cards
and t-shirts. Contact her at
Heather Middleton Lisa K Miller
Heather Middleton was always an artist at heart, Lisa is the owner of Photog-
but it wasn’t until she discovered photography raphy by Lisa K, a custom
that she knew she had discovered her true call- portrait studio located in San
ing. Prior to wedding photography, she had two Diego, specializing in the high-
solo exhibits of her artistic work at the San Diego est quality portraiture. As the
Art Institute, and was asked to curate and show, mother of twins, Lisa shines
in an art show at Superbowl XXXV11. This year at capturing moments in
Heather and her husband, Skip, who comprise pregnancy and early life. She
Shadowcatcher Imagery, were awarded Bride’s shares her talents with many
Choice for 2015 on Wedding Wire and Best of local charities
Weddings on The Knot for 2015.