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Customize Your SkinCare
There have rarely been products that come onto the scene that make this product particularly impressive to me. First is the team
have revolutionized an industry; this is one of those rare products. of people who have been assembled to formulate, test and market
Women have been faced with skin care issues since the begin- this custom and prescription skincare to patients.” Not only is the
ning of time, often due to hormones which can result in acne, skin formulator of this product one of the best in the industry, but there
discoloration and advanced signs of aging. In the past women is a board of directors overseeing the creation and marketing of
scoured the cosmetic counters and specialty stores for products this product who read like a who’s who list of medical, skin care
to bring them some relief from their specific skin condition. If the and pharmaceutical experts. When it comes to the customization
problem became more severe they would be faced with regular capability of DermbiotixRx Dr. Cohen likened the concept to high
visits to a dermatologist in an attempt to cure their problem. Even end perfumeries found in Paris, New York and Los Angeles. In
this presented some challenges: Prescription skincare medica- these perfumeries you go in, explain what you would like, sample
tion is often too harsh for most skin types. It may cure the problem products and ultimately have a signature perfume designed only for
at hand, but there is usually a price to pay in the form of irritation, you. No one else will possess the same fragrance because it has
blotchiness, dryness, or allergic reactions to the chemicals that are been customized exclusively for you alone. “What DermbiotixRx
used. Finally, there is a cure for this problem. Due to launch in the will be doing is offering my patients this level of personalization and
first quarter of 2011 is a revolutionary product which will solve many customization of treatment. Previously a patient would come to see
of these old issues. me due to a specific problem and I could prescribe a commercial
In reading this issue of San Diego Woman the topic of compound- product that would fix the issue at hand, but often presented side
ing pharmacies has come up in several articles. These are phar- effects that would result in additional problems. With the advent of
macies that have customized pharmaceutical ingredients in order to this product we can avoid those side effects and design a com-
respond to the individualized needs of each patient. DermbiotixRx, pound that is specific to the problem, but devoid of the negative
the latest product formulated by the makers of the well respected side effects.”
Probiotic skin care line, appears to be the solution to decades of The makers of DermbiotixRx, ( are not new
skincare problems. Formulated by Bob Heiman, founder and chief to the skin care industry; they are also the creators of Probiotic Skin
formulator for the world renowned Epicurean Discovery products, Care which is one of the first to market in 2009, using Probiotics
the concept of this new product line is that it is customizable based formulation, and one of the most well respected over the counter
on a prescription designed by your dermatologist, plastic surgeon, skincare lines available today. For those with less serious skin care
or healthy aging physician. No longer must patients deal with issues, not requiring the assistance of a physician, Probiotic Skin
ingredients that are too harsh in order to cure an existing problem. Care may be your answer. Currently the Probiotic skin care line
They can now rely on their physician to provide a solution to their is available at specialty stores, but will be available shortly at your San Diego Woman
specific skin care issue based around products that fit their skin fine mass market retailers such as Costco, and Rite Aide. This
type and sensitivities. This has never been done before and it is product line, as well as the soon to be released prescription ver-
certain to become the way of the future: Skin care truly designed sion, currently offer Anti-Aging, Acne, and eye cream options which
with the patients needs in mind. all contain SPF to further protect your skin from the problems of 33
We spoke to renowned San Diego Plastic Surgeon Dr. Steven excessive sun exposure.
Cohen, from Faces+, who is one of the first physicians carrying the
new DermbiotixRx product, to get his input on how he feels this
product will revolutionize skin care. “There are many aspects that
November/December 2010