P. 8
Fabulous Finds Online
What has given them continued success is highest standards. This exceedingly good not only for football fans, but offers designs
staying true to their roots: making great- ointment is made with the finest, purest, for baseball, softball, soccer, hockey,
tasting food using wholesome, organic natural ingredients. racing, hunting, fishing and more. Their
ingredients that will fuel your next great Zincuta skin ointment as it’s made of only products are fun for anyone who is a sports
adventure. We had the pleasure of sampling the purest all-natural ingredients; ingredients fanatic.
these amazing products and many of the include axungia (soft fat used in medicine as They have adorable studded hats with
staff came back looking for more. I an emollient), styrax benzoin resin extract (a baseball seams, earrings in the shape of
guarantee you will too. resin extract from the tree that soothes and baseballs, and crossbody bags resembling
heal wounds), beeswax (retains the skin’s a football. You can shop by sport or check
Go to to learn natural moisture to relieve itchiness), and out their newest line of adorable
more and order some of your own tasty slippery elm bark (minimizes inflammation fashionable one of a kind items. With
snacks today. and itchiness). sports slowed down this season, they have
With a nagging skin issue, there are few met the problem head on.
remedies I have not tried. I have to say; I was Live Love Gameday understood how a
15.Zincuta ™ extremely impressed with the results that I season without sports would be
obtained with Zincuta. If you are looking for unbearable for those of us who live for our
solutions to many ailments in one little tin, sports teams. So, in addition to the sports
It is that time of year when we may find that can easily be tossed into your bag, this is themed items, they decided to make the
ourselves facing a day when we spent just a the solution for you. best of things and created a fun line of face
little too much time in the sun. The go to Go to masks as well as a humorous line of
cure has always been aloe, until now. The Quarantine shirts. Including Straight Outta
next time you are suffering from sunburn, or 16. Live Love Gameday® Hand Sanitizer™, Caffeine and
any other skin issues, think about trying a Quarantine™, and Like a Good Neighbor
new product, which isn’t really new at all. Stay Over There™
Pronounced Zin-coo-ta, Zincuta Ointment Live Love Gameday® is a comfortable and So whether you are looking for team
is a specialty skin cream that brings relief trendy sports-themed clothing and wear or some unique one of a kind
and heals skin afflictions. It has been found accessories line based out of Dallas, Texas. fashions, visit their site at
to work on easing chafes, burns, sunburns, Former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader
abrasions, raw sores, insect bites, psoriasis, (2008-2015), Sydney Durso-McArthur, loved
eczema, poison ivy and more. football so much, that after cheering for the 17. KeaBabies®
The works of Dr. Josiah C. Case (1865– Dallas Cowboys for 7 seasons, she truly
1930) inspired the completely new patented believed that the field was her home away Where life is such a rush every day, it is
Zincuta Ointment, an eighth generation from home. In January of 2015, Home Is refreshing when you come across a
Southold resident with an impeccable Where the Field Is® was launched and Live company that’s prime purpose is to get
reputation. To Honor Dr. Case and a way of Love Gameday® was born. From there, other us to step back and live in the moment.
life, Herbalist Donna Penney thoroughly phrases such as, My Daddy Taught Me KeaBabies is this company. With their
researched, and lovingly formulated a About Jesus & Pass Interference™ and I Vow primary goal being to remind new moms
completely new version of Zincuta. It is To Always Love You, Even During Football and dads that every moment counts,
concocted in Brooklyn, New York, with the Season™ came to life. Live Love Gameday® is