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Breaking your total calories down into three meals and three protein they need to grow. Eating slow burning carbohydrates
snacks a day is a win, win plan. By eating every 3 hours or so, (whole grains are great) and protein before your strength-train-
you avoid those sugar highs and lows, saving yourself from ing workout will give you a jumpstart. Within 20 minutes after
FIT AFTER FIFTY reaching for that candy bar or cookies during the afternoon your workout give your body a good dose of protein and you will
slump. Plan ahead and have healthy, calorie friendly snacks
continue to burn and build throughout the day.
By Carol Haines with you. This blood sugar balancing plan also helps you sleep Start slow, but as you grow strong increase your
better at night and improves your mental attitude. weights on a regular basis. The increases are hard, but if you
Whole, organic foods are always the best choice. And slow feed your muscle properly, they will grow strong and lean. Push
burning carbohydrates are great in the morning along with yourself and soon you will be lifting more weight than you ever
some protein. More protein later in the day is good for maintain- imagined you could, and simultaneously, the fat will be melting
ing healthy body tissue through the night and improving sleep. away.
Your mother knew what she was doing when she served you
oatmeal for breakfast and insisted you eat your vegetables. You Key #4
really are what you eat. Cardiovascular Exercise
Now that you are becoming toned and shapely, you
Key #3 want to be rid of the excess baggage (fat) and show off your
Strength Training new physique. To speed up this process, alternating your
Building and maintaining muscle tissue is very benefi- strength training workouts with some good old cardiovascular
cial as we age. Not only does a toned shapely body look great, exercise is still the answer. You choose the activity, but whatev-
the muscles protect and strengthen weak, vulnerable joints. er you choose, give it your all. Keep going when you think you
And you will burn more calories, even while at rest, so you are can’t go anymore and rejoice in your improved stamina when
much more likely to keep unwanted weight off. Weight bearing you reach new goals. Don’t let your workouts get stale. Switch-
exercise is also useful in keeping bones healthy and strong. ing activities every three or four weeks will stave off boredom
Be careful starting out. You know your fitness and and plateaus.
health limitations. Use common sense and structure a safe, Following these four keys to fitness will give you the
workable plan. If you have concerns, consult your doctor. If you confidence to move forward in your post-menopausal years with
can manage to hire a good personal trainer to teach you form vitality and strength. Choosing one or two of the keys may give
and technique, your workouts will be more efficient. If you can’t, you results in the short term, but for long term success commit
there are lots of options including DVD’s, purchasing dumb- to all four and grow healthier as you grow older. Set a goal and
bells, or even finding items around the house to use as weights. take control of your future. You’ve got a lot of living to do.
Remember, no excuses.
You can burn a tremendous amount of calories pump-
ing iron. Be sure to provide your muscles with the calories and
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