Page 3 - SD Woman feature article Rhonda Hayes Curtis
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Women of Distinction

        life, love, loss, and the renewal of   An ideal spot to get your writing
        happiness.                 juices flowing.
           The creation of her beautifully   There was one word that res-
        written memoir was a great source   onated throughout the days of the
        of pride, but what came out of this   seminar by everyone in attendance.
        process was a deep desire to help   This word was EPIC.  As one of the
        other people get their stories out   instructors at this inaugural event,
        of them so they could get the help   I can honestly say that it was the
        that she got. “The message that I   best writer’s workshop that I have
        want to get across is that if I can do   ever attended, and the instructors
        this, anyone can do it. I don't have   commented on the enthusiasm of
        a degree in journalism or English;   all the participants. There was a
        I'm not formally educated. I'm   range of first-time writers as well as
        self-educated.  I did the work. But   seasoned professionals, but we all
        that's the thing. You don't have to   came to the same conclusion.  Tell-
        be a New York Times bestseller.   ing your story is empowering, and
        First and foremost, just do it for   everyone who has gone through a
        yourself.”                 life-changing event or simply has
           Rhonda went on to teach her   a story to share needs to put their
        ‘Write Your Story’ class at Escon-  thoughts to paper.
        dido Adult School, and when    With the success of her Three-
        COVID-19 hit, she had to find ways   Day Writer’s Retreat, Rhonda felt
        to continue to spread her message.    the need to stay connected with
        When things began to get back to   those who had attended, so she
        ‘normal,’ Rhonda invited her stu-  decided to add some one-day
        dents to do a one-day writer’s retreat   writing retreats to provide support
        in her home in the beautiful Pauma   to these burgeoning writers.  Her
        Valley Country Club.  “Students   next one-day retreat is just around
        showed up, I made food for them,   the corner on June 21st from 9:30-
        we shared our stories, and I helped   2:30. It is entitled Gather, Share, and
        them find the path to getting these   Elevate.  For more information, go
        stories out of their heads and onto   to (https://www.pvwritingretreat.
        paper.  When the day ended, no one   com/workshops)
        wanted to leave.”              Out of pain and sorrow came
           These seminars were the   the heart of this woman who has
        impetus for the Pauma Valley   experienced some of the most
        three-day Writer’s Retreat (https://  devastating life circumstances, but ). “Last   while talking to her, you would
        October was our first retreat, and it   never know the road she has trav-
        was met with such enthusiasm that   eled.  She is committed to sharing
        we vowed to make it a yearly event.    her knowledge and experience in
        Our next one is October 10th -12th,   writing a beautiful story that can
        2024.” The setting for this retreat   change the lives of her readers.
        was ideal.  Pauma Valley Country   Currently, Rhonda is revisiting
        Club is a beautiful setting nestled in   her earliest and most unsettling
        the tranquil and picturesque Pauma   memories in her second book, with
        Valley.  This historic country club   the working title ‘The Truth about   a way to reconcile with the image   Rhonda Hayes Curtis is not just
        provides all its amenities to attend-  My Father.’ Triggered by a deep dive   that haunted her for six decades.  a remarkable writer and teacher; she
        ees of the writing retreat. Purposely   into genealogy undertaken by her   "This deeper investigation into   is also a profound friend and guide
        held during the overseeding of the   oldest sister, Rhonda confronted   his life, paired with the act of writ-  to many. With her upcoming book,
        golf course, attendees have the full   dozens of newspaper articles that   ing about it, has brought me peace   she continues to share the lessons
        attention of their excellent staff as   cast her father in an unflattering   and resolution," Rhonda explains.   gleaned from her life’s challenges.
        well as full access to the other ame-  light, far from the redemption she   Her ability to transform pain into   Her work, from her personal stories
        nities the Club has to offer—state of   might have hoped for. However, it   narrative, to find healing through   to the writing retreats she hosts, is
        the art gym, heated swimming pool,   was through this process of uncov-  the alchemy of words, is a powerful   designed not just to teach but to
        bicycles, bocce ball, tennis, pickle   ering her father’s troubled past and   testament to her skill as a writer   transform, offering an EPIC experi-
        ball, and quiet roads for walking.   documenting it that Rhonda found   and her resilience as a person.  ence that promises to change lives.

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