Page 48 - Kimberly Hunt and daughter
P. 48

Disturbed by this proclamation, Daugherty sought out other   free, but my balance is better and I don’t have the difficulty
    options. She joined a T’ai Chi Chih class to see if she could   in going up and down stairs that I was having before T’ai Chi
    heal herself and not suffer any more pain. What she found   Chih.”
    proved to be her healing grace. After a few classes and prac-
    ticing for 20 minutes daily, she found that not only could she   T’ai Chi Chih is currently offered in a nine week class
    do the movements without any pain, but her injured arm was   through Poway Adult School. Go to their website at www.
    getting stronger and able to get full movement. for class information. To search for a
                                                             teacher near you go to Susan Haymaker
    “I let my strong arm do the movements to the fullest extent   offers garden classes in the spring and summer. To see her
    and let the sore arm follow along.” Connie explained. “Even-  schedule please visit her website at www.ajoyfulmovement.
    tually my sore arm wanted to do what my strong arm was   com .
    doing. That is how I gained full movement of my arm.”
                                                             “Daily practice promotes inner peace and contentment,
    “I can’t attribute it to anything else except the 20 minutes a   amongst other things.” Susan says. “Every day is a new day
    day that I practice.” Connie said. “In fact, not only am I pain   and a new practice.”


                                                                                               By Robert Tussey

     Berceuse; French for lullaby, or, cradle song. Originating  I’m afraid the lullaby has become a lost art in our IPod,
     in England in the late 1300’s had but a single purpose:   MP3 driven world.  The refrain of a simple melody
 48  To lull a child to sleep. We soothe our children with   negates the electronic world and distills the pleasure of
     them. We soothe                                                                     things uncomplicated to its
     ourselves by humming                                                                essence: Us, alone togeth-
     a familiar tune when                                                                er, and at peace.
     the stress of the day                                                               Download these and play
     becomes overwhelm-                                                                  them gently for the young
     ing. As we grow                                                                     ones - but don’t leave your-
     older our lullabies are                                                             self out.  Jeff’s tunes will
     often songs that take                                                               take you on a journey well
     us out of ourselves                                                                 intended for relaxation and
     and let our souls rest.                                                             sleep.  He has four other
     Music is this, from                                                                 albums that are treasures
     birth.                                                                              for those of us looking for
     Jeff Black, singer/                                                                 artists that (indeed) have
     songwriter, has                                                                     the rare talent of matching
     released a set of lul-                                                              words and music as the
     labies (titled: Sleepy                                                              natural partners they are.  I
     Town) he wrote for his                                                              have a few cd’s that I call
     two young children.                                                                 my comfort music; one’s
     Available as a digital                                                              that I use to bring me back
     download from Ama-                                                                  down to earth and provide (in their MP3                                                               a cocoon of relief and
     downloads section)                                                                  calm, Jeff has just added
     and other on-line ven-                                                              another with this marvel-
     ues, these nine tunes,                                                              ous issue of great lullabies.
     composed and performed on piano sans vocals, are        With Valentines Day coming this would be a great time
     touching remembrances of how sweet the face of your     to gift yourself and your friends and spread the word on
     baby is when he’s slipping into the calmness of sleep.     Jeff Black’s music.
                                                  Issue 1, 2009
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