Page 5 - Kimberly Hunt and daughter
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Jack Doxey Sanjay Kabadi
Jack Doxey formed Doxey A foodie, an accomplished, Lisa K Miller
& Associates Inc in 1991. well traveled personal chef Photography by Lisa K
Diane Garner It is a San Diego based and gourmet caterer is also Lisa is the owner of Photogra-
Robert Tussey management and consul- a guest chef at Qualcomm. phy by Lisa K, a custom portrait
Although her family’s trav- tant company dedicated to He specializes in various studio located in Rancho
els have taken her far and helping companies grow cuisines with a flair for eth- Penasquitos, specializing in
Robert Tussey has been wide, Diane Garner has and change. the highest quality portraiture.
a published writer for over called San Diego County In February of 2004, Jack nic Indian food. For more As the mother of twins, Lisa
thirty years and has been home for thirty-seven formed The Doxey & information, please contact shines at capturing moments in
providing editing services years. During those years Jensen Group. Prior to own- pregnancy and early life. She
for the past twenty-five. As ing his own company, Jack shares her talents with many
a musician he has written in paradise, she gradu- was the Training Manager local charities by volunteering
ated from college, married
scores of songs. His life the man of her dreams, in the Quality Assurance her photographic services.
has revolved around his and raised two awesome department of the Hewlett OGRAPHER
music and writing, often children. After a long, Packard Company.
melding the two into articles
and interviews. left-brained career as a
CPA, she is now pursuing
her right-brained passion
for writing.
Catherine Mattice HO
Catherine Mattice earned
both her Bachelors and
Masters in Organiza- P
tional Communication
from SDSU. She has
published both nationally
and internationally, and San Diego
Dr. Penny M.Goffman Deborah D. Lazear Jaime V. Habert has appeared on such Woman
stations as NBC, ABC and
Dr. Penny Michelle Goffman Author and teacher of Jaime is a music enthusiast FOX over 30 times. Her
is a clinical psychologist wine studies for over whose favorite genres firm, Catherine Mattice
in San Diego providing 15 years, Deborah’s include jazz vocals, and Consulting, is focused on
individual, couple, family background and her Certi- classical crossover. She helping organizations build 5
therapy, coaching and high fied Specialist of Wine has plans to pursue a effective organizational
conflict mediation. Please designation, makes her degree in journalism and communication processes
send your relationship ques- more than just a “foodie” media. She is a freelance and deal with workplace
tions to: who loves wine! Having writer, who takes every bullies. Learn more about
drpenny@sandiegowoman. taught wine appreciation, opportunity to write about bullies at her website: www.
com. wine and food pairing, and the subject she loves.
written curriculum for San Jaime resides with her
Diego State U. Business family in Rancho Bernardo,
of Wine certificate pro- California.
gram, she is no stranger
to piquing people’s inter-
est in exploring wine.
Marilyn Taylor
Marilyn was born and raised
in San Diego. She gives
Robin Dohrn-Simpson Joanna Pompilio seminars on search market-
Rob Weinberg Robin is a freelance writer Joanna Pompilio is a ing and manages search mar-
Rob is president of The living in San Diego. She freelance writer based in keting projects for companies
on a freelance basis working
MarketBuilding Team, has has had her travel articles New York City. She writes
written two books on mar- published online in e- for local regional women's with a team of programmers
keting, and authors a free zines. When not sitting at publications across the US and writers. Marilyn is a
single mom to five children,
marketing advice column her desk she can usually about fashion, beauty and
called Ask Mr. Marketing. be found exploring the women's health. one girl and four boys, rang-
ing in age from 24 down to
You can subscribe to his corners of San Diego. Her
free marketing newsletter at passions include writing, 12, and is the proud grandma going on adventures and to a three year old.
Issue 1, 2009