Page 11 - Dr Pamela Peeke
P. 11

Does Marketing Really Help A Business Grow?

                                                                                        By Rob Weinberg

       Tough times call for tough choices. Less customer service or   conclusion: “We’re heading
       more debt? More retail outlets or greater web presence? And   for a recession, and possibly
       the ultimate question – should I market my business at all?  a depression.”
       Arguments in favor of marketing include controlling the mes-  He discussed this with his
       sage, increasing visibility and bigger profits. Arguments against   parents and convinced
       include lack of time and controlling the budget.         them that his training would
       Yet consistent marketing should be a no-brainer. Examine any   now pay off. “Let’s stop
       business growing in this economic environment and you’ll dis-  advertising and save the
       cover a solidly built, ongoing communications effort.    money. When the economy
       Companies that beat the drum get attention - especially when   improves we’ll be in good
       the competition is keeping quiet. Those who draw attention to   shape again.”
       themselves are more likely to get a sale in slow times and to   The signs came down, radio
       retain greater mindshare when things pick up.            commercials stopped and
       Still, marketing dollars make a tempting target. One area firm   trucks and cars whizzed
       recently slashed its marketing budget by 65% because man-  by as they did before the
       agement preferred applying these critical communications dol-  company started promoting.
       lars to the bottom line. Funds already budgeted were seen as   Business worsened, with the
       unnecessary expenses rather than investments to attract more   chain dwindling to one stand.
       customers.                                               Finally, bankrupt, the last stand was also shut down.
       To nobody’s surprise, cutting the lifeblood needed to expand   The father sat with his wife one hour before closing the doors
       the company is guaranteed to                                                      for the last time and thought: "My
       have the opposite result. This                                                     son was right on target; we are
       simple story from my youth                                                         in a depression."
       makes the argument more                                                            Moral: YOU CAN’T SELL IT IF
       eloquently than I ever could.                                                      YOU DON’T TELL ANYONE
                                                                                          ABOUT IT.  It’s been proven   San Diego
       Once there was a couple                                                            again and again that those who   Woman
       struggling to make a living                                                        market when business condi-
       with their hot dog stand by the                                                    tions are slow are way ahead
       side of the road. Trucks and                                                       when it gets better.
       cars would whiz by without                                                         To my mind this story makes a   11
       even a glance despite the fact                                                     very legitimate point: Tell your
       that their hot dogs were fresh                                                     story well, or risk having your
       and tasty and their coffee was                                                     business fall apart. Whether you
       the best in the entire area.  It                                                   get sales leads with a web site,
       was very difficult to support                                                      direct mail, promotion, print,
       themselves and their young                                                         publicity or networking, you must
       son.                                                                               quickly and effectively impart the
       One day the wife got a bright                                                      value your business provides or
       idea. "Why not market our-                                                         you’re dead in the water.
       selves? We can put up a big                                                        Remember: If you don’t bring in
       sign and also put our mes-                                                         leads and close the sale, there’s
       sage on billboards. We can                                                         no need to buy coffee cups or
       even spend some money on                                                          empty the trash. Every annoying
       the local radio stations extolling the virtues of our great food."  aspect of your business will disappear if the company doesn’t
       Before they knew it, trucks and cars were stopping by and busi-  grow. And the only way it can grow is with some form of market-
       ness was booming. They enlarged the stand and hired many   ing.
       people to accommodate the traffic. They stayed open seven   So here we are in another recession. Some business owners
       days a week, 24 hours a day and made more money than they   are marketing their wares, positioning themselves to steal mar-
       ever thought possible. It was the American Dream come true.  ket share from competitors. Those who aren’t should consider
       Business stayed good and the single stand became a chain.   brushing off their resumes.
       The young son grew up, went to college, studied hard and   --------------------
       earned an economics degree. His delighted parents took him   Rob Weinberg is president of the MarketBuilding Team, has written two
       into the business with a fancy title and office to match.  books on marketing, and authors a free marketing advice column called Ask
       The son studied the general business conditions and surveys   Mr. Marketing. You can subscribe to his free marketing newsletter at
       of the future by the most reputable people in the nation. His
                                                   Issue 2, 2009
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