Page 19 - Dr Pamela Peeke
P. 19

Storage! Storage! Storage!                               when adding an aqua throw, pale blue pillows and baby blue lamp
                                                                shades or drapes.
       It seems that during a time of change, there is a reluctance to throw
       things out – use storage until final decisions are made about what    Reupholstering also breathes new life into chairs and sofas,
       stays and what goes.                                     while adding the pops of color or balancing out the shades that
                                                                are already present in the room. When selecting fabrics, choose
       Keep the accessories of daily life handy by creating storage for   wisely and think about where the fabric is being placed. Will it fade
       items in the rooms where they will be used. Be resourceful and use   because of sunlight? Is it kid and dog friendly?
       furniture with storage compartments, displayable boxes or trunks to
       hold the odds and ends that do not need to be displayed. Camou-  When the home makeover is complete, throw a housewarming
       flaging the storage aspect and playing up the fun, innovative acces-  party. Invite close friends and family over to check out the new digs
       sory side that the storage container has taken on gives character to   and see all the hard work you put into feathering the new nest.
       a room.

       Incorporate Color

       Color has the potential
       to evoke mood and
       add accents through-
       out the house or a par-
       ticular room. Whether          BEST QUALITY
       infusing a shot of
       bright color on an ac-
                                         AUTO BODY TECHNICIANS AUTO DIAGNOSTIC
       cent wall to act as a            CERTIFIED MECHANICS AND
       focal point or coloring
       the room in a particular
       hue; colors can add                                                & REPAIR SERVICE
       dimension and flair to                                                                    PAINT.BODY
       sparse surroundings.
       The perceived propor-                                                 HOURS: MON-FRI 8:30 TO 5:00PM
       tion of a room can be                                                 SATURDAYS BY APPOINTMENT
       altered with paint since                                              858.623.0450
       lighter colors make                                                   858.558.1642
       spaces seem larger                                                    Fax  858.458.0707
       and darker colors give
       a cozier effect.                                                      5756 AUTOPORT MALL - SAN DIEGO CA 92121    San Diego
                                                                             OFF I-15 & MIRAMAR ROAD                      Woman
        At a time when
       soothing and calming
       colors can help, there            •  diagnostiC & RePaiR
       is nothing like paint-            •  MaintenanCe seRviCe                                                      19
       ing a wall quickly and            •  CoMPuteR diagnostiC
       easily to boost spirits.          •  BRaKes and susPension
       Blues are wonderful               •  dRivaBiLity PRoBLeMs
       to create calm, greens            •  engine PeRfoRManCe
       can be energizing,                •  shoCKs, stRuts
       but again, shade and              •  CLutCh RePLaCeMent
       hue can matter.  Pale
       colors can be used as
       neutrals – pale greens,
       lavenders and blues                                                  •  foReign and doMestiC
       are all non-jarring                                                  •  fuLL seRviCe and
       tones that help ease         SENIOR, STUDENT AND MILITARY DISCOUNTS  •  high QuaLity guaRantee
       into color rather than                                               •  fRee shuttLe w ith in 5 MiLes
       jumping feet first.                                                  •  fRee CoLLision estiMates
                                         FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC               •  Body & Paint
       Don’t have time to                   FULL SERVICE AND                •  RestoRation in sheet MetaL woRK
       paint? Use color in              HIGH QUALITY GUARANTEE              •  fRoM dents to CoLLision RePaiR
       the accessories of                                                   •  fRaMe stRaightening
                                                                            •  PRofessionaL CoLoR MatChing
       a room, like pillows,         FREE SHUTTLE WITHIN 5 MILES            •  aLL insuRanCe CLaiMs honoRed
       artwork, throws and             FREE COLLISION ESTIMATES             •  adJustMent of deduCtiBLe avaiLaBLe
       small vases to ease
       into a color before
       committing to painting.         WE ACCEPT
       Think of how chic a
       neutral colored room
       becomes with injec-
       tions of the color blue
                                                    Issue 2, 2009
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