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Parents are Role Models, Children are Copycats

                                                                                                                                                                       By Sara Holliday

                                                             involved.  Working out together gives rewards to both you
                                                             and your child, including improved health and connection
                                                             with each other.  For example, the other day I did a half hour
                                                             of yoga with my older son.  It was very exciting to see how
                                                             much  he loved it.  At the end we sat facing each other.  We
                                                             placed one hand on one another’s heart and focused on the
                                                             love we had for each other.  When the session was over he
                                                             said he felt so relaxed he actually wanted to go to bed!

                                                             You can encourage healthy food choices by associating
                                                             positive effects with a good choice.  For example, my hus-
                                                             band tells our boys that fruit and veggies are “power foods”
                                                             that will make them grow strong and tall.  I always chuckle to
                                                             myself when my son exclaims, “I’m having a power grape!”
                                                             I’ve found the key to being a good role model is to be con-
                                                             scious of how my behavior influences my children’s future.
                                                             As much as possible I vow to respect my children, eat
                                                             healthy, exercise consistently and do yoga, and most impor-
                                                             tantly give lots and lots of love!


     Ever noticed when your child is upset that he or she says
     something in the same tone that you did when you’re angry?    Congratulations to the NAWBO San Diego
     Ever noticed your child imitating you?  Children are copy-         2009 BRAVO! Award winners:
     cats, and we are their role models.  So it’s important that           Women’s Advocate of the Year
     we engage in positive behaviors so our children grow up as          Lorraine Fisher, Off Ramp Publishing
     healthy, well adjusted adults.
                                                                                Trailblazer Award
     I learned the lesson well a couple of days ago when I heard   Katherine Nelson, San Diego Natural Soap Company
     my 5 year old son, telling his two year old brother, not to do              Signature Award
     something in a stern and unforgiving voice.  I said to myself,       Colleen Connery, CoCo & Associates
     “Wow, is that what I sound like when I’m upset?”  Just as I             Green Community Award
     tell my son to take deep breaths before he reacts, I need to      Judith Seid, Blue Summit Financial Group
     heed my advice and take deep breaths before reacting too!
     Children are copycats and good reminders too.                       Woman Business Owner of the Year
                                                                        Dr. Helen Eckmann, James L. Consulting
     If you’re having challenges getting motivated to lead a       Special thanks go out to the 2009 BRAVO! sponsors:
     healthy and active lifestyle, remember that you are your
     child’s role model.  They watch everything you do, including
     how you eat, and are likely to follow your example. Parents
     want their children to grow up healthy as opposed to dealing.
                                                                      To learn more about NAWBO San Diego, the
     with body image issues and weight problems.  Now is the     premier organization for women business owners, visit
     time to get up and get moving!                          or call 877-866-2926.

     Making exercise fun will encourage your children to get
                                               Issue 2, 2009
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