Page 34 - Dr Pamela Peeke
P. 34

The Wine Connoisseur                 The Aromatics and White Wine

                                                                                          By Deborah Damery Lazear, CSW

     The nose knows… aromatics, those wonderful smells that titillate   tone down the sugar syrup in the peach cobbler and that did the
     the senses and can leave you dreaming of far off places and exotic   trick.
                                                             Another delightful dessert wine that is having a big revival in dinner
     Well, it’s about that time of year when the flowers are blooming and   party circles is Sauternes. Sometimes prohibitively expensive, good
     the jasmine reaches out                                                                    values can be found
     and grabs my heart as                                                                      from the southern
     I walk by.  I moved to                                                                     Bordeaux region of
     San Diego in 1997 to                                                                       Graves.  Any fruit tart,
     marry the man of my                                                                        pastry, or foie gras (not
     dreams.  He had a jas-                                                                     a dessert!) will be en-
     mine vine growing on                                                                       hanced with Sauternes,
     the garden wall.  Every                                                                    made from the Semil-
     time I smell that scent,                                                                   lon and Sauvignon
     I am taken back to that                                                                    Blanc grapes. In the
     location and those emo-                                                                    original Bordeaux clas-
     tions.                                                                                     sification of 1855, the
                                                                                                chateaux of Sauternes
     Scent can conjure up                                                                       and Barsac were
     all kinds of memo-                                                                         included.  The best of
     ries.  I remember my                                                                       the lot was Château
     first stay in a famous                                                                     d’Yquem.  I have a
     hotel in Bangkok over                                                                      bottle in our cellar, a
     25 years ago, it was                                                                       1965, and no fruit tart
     the soap!  Whenever I                                                                      in the world could get
     smell sandalwood, I am                                                                     me to open it.  It has
 34  transported to the Ori-                                                                    grown deep golden,
     ental Hotel and my first                                                                   almost amber in color,
     sight of a real orchid.  I                                                                 over the years.  And
     practically swoon!                                                                         who says white wines
     Doesn’t sound like                                                                         have no aging power!
     any wine you have
     consumed recently?                                                                         My first experience with
     Well, maybe it is time to                                                                  a dessert wine was
     reexamine the world of                                                                     from Hungary. Tokay
     aromatic wines.                                                                            (pronounced tok eye),
                                                                                                is made from the fur-
     A couple of weeks ago I                                                                    mint grape. Its appella-
     was teaching an all day                                                                    tion is the oldest in the
     Wine & Food Pairing                                                                        wine world, dating back
     Advanced Level class                                                                       to 1737. The region
     for SDSU, College                                                                          is near the Ukrainian
     of Extended Stud-                                                                          and Slovenian borders
     ies.  The host winery                                                                      and its sweetness is
     provided most of the                                                                       measured in puttonyos
     wines and my job was                                                                       (aka baskets).  The
     to find foods that went                                                                    more baskets of shriv-
     with them as part of                                                                       eled grapes needed
     the classroom experi-                                                                      to produce a bottle of
     ence.  One of the wines                                                                    Tokay, the sweeter the
     was Muscat Canelli.                                                                        wine.  6 puttonyos is
     The aroma of peaches                                                                       the sweetest.
     danced under my nose
     so I followed the trail                                                                    What Sauternes and
     to Peach Cobbler.  Remember that one can match the aroma (or   Tokay have in common is the incredible balance of sweet and acid.
     taste) of a wine or contrast it for a bold expression.  In this case, I   This is no sugar bomb.  Think stone fruit like apricots touched by
     chose to match - and match it did.  I can’t take credit for making the   the wings of an angel and you get the idea.  Ice wines from Canada
     cobbler; my partner and sous chef Sue did that piece of magic.  and Germany also fall into the heavenly category in my opinion.  As
                                                             do the Trockenbeerenauslese (TBA) dessert wines made from the
     Recall that if the wine is a dessert wine, I always recommend the   Riesling grape in Germany.
     wine be sweeter than the dessert.  Sue used a little lemon juice to
                                                    Issue 2, 2009
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