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                                                                                                OGRAPHER  Lisa K Miller

                                                                                                  Photography by Lisa K
                                                                                                  Lisa is the owner of Photogra-
       Robert Tussey         Deborah D. Lazear   Sara Holliday        Cara Krenn                  phy by Lisa K, a custom portrait
                                                                                                  studio located in Rancho
                                                 Sara of Fit by Sara is a   Cara is a Communications   Penasquitos, specializing in
       Robert has been a     Author and teacher of   licensed marriage and family   Specialist at Altus-The
       published writer for over   wine studies for over 15   therapist, certified personal   Charter School of San   the highest quality portraiture.
       thirty years and has been   years, Deborah’s back-  trainer, yoga instructor,   Diego. She is a graduate   As the mother of twins, Lisa
                                                                                                  shines at capturing moments in
       providing editing services   ground and her Certified   speaker,workshop presenter,   of the University of Notre
       for the past twenty-five.  As   Specialist of Wine desig-  and mom of two.  She strongly   Dame with a background in   pregnancy and early life. She
       a musician he has written   nation, makes her more   believes in the mind-body con-  publishing. When not read-  T  shares her talents with many
       scores of songs.  His life   than just a “foodie” who   nection and has worked with   ing historical fiction or travel   local charities by volunteering
       has revolved around his   loves wine! Having taught   hundreds of women to help   writing, she can be found   her  photographic services.
       music and writing, often   wine appreciation, wine   them feel and look their best.    running at the beach.  HO
       melding the two into articles   and food pairing, and writ-  Sara has been on numerous
       and interviews.       ten curriculum for San Di-  radio and TV shows including
                             ego State U. Business of                                           P
                             Wine certificate program,   Oprah Radio, Martha Stewart
                                                 radio, PBS, KABC, KTLA, and
                             she is no stranger to

                             piquing people’s interest   FOX.
                             in exploring wine.

                                                                      Rachel L. Karp
                                                                      Rachel is a freelance writer                      San Diego
                                                                      who has been published in                           Woman
       Rob Weinberg          Joanna Pompilio     Jaime V. Habert      various San Diego  publica-
       Rob is president of The                   Jaime is a music enthusiast   tions such as The San Diego
       MarketBuilding Team, has   Joanna is a freelance   whose favorite genres   Union-Tribune and The San
       written two books on mar-  writer based in New   include jazz vocals, and   Diego Family Magazine. Ra-
       keting, and authors a free   York City. She writes for   classical crossover.  She   chel has had numerous blogs   5
       marketing advice column   local regional women's   has plans to pursue a   and articles presented in
       called Ask Mr. Marketing.   publications across the US   degree in journalism and   on-line publications. Currently
       You can subscribe to his   about fashion, beauty and   media.  She is a freelance   she is a student at Cuyamca
       free marketing newsletter at   women's health.  writer, who takes every   College in Rancho San Diego                                        majoring in English. In her
                                                 opportunity to write about
                                                 the subject she loves.    spare time when she is not
                                                 Jaime resides with her   writing or going to school,   Now find us on:
                                                 family in Rancho Bernardo,   Rachel enjoys hiking, camp-
                                                 California.          ing, reading, and baking.


                            Jennifer Johnson
                            Ms. Johnson has close to
        Doug Jensen         a decade of law enforce-                  Ginny Priest
        Doug is a certified Tai Chi   ment experience, having         Ginny is the author of
        and Qigong instructor living   served as a police officer in   Cynthia Burton  the phonics program
        in the mountains north of   Sacramento and Carlsbad,          Alphabetology: The Study
        Redding, California.  He   California.  Ms. Johnson   Cynthia is a freelance writer   of the Alphabet Through
        received his Bachelor’s   is a certified self defense   and entrepreneur. She is a   Exploration and Fun!
        degree from Northern   instructor and in addition to   wife, mother, grandmother   She is a CA credentialed
        Illinois University, majoring   her self defense company,   and sister. She is a maverick   teacher who teaches
        in Computer Science and   she works in non lethal   in the building industry, noting   parent education, math,
        Philosophy.  He splits his   weapons manufacturing for   many years ago, the lack of   and computers classes.
        time free-lance writing and   consumers and law enforce-  estrogen on job sites. She   Ginny enjoys geocaching,
        teaching Tai Chi    ment.  Ms. Johnson is very   founded Create and Build,   biking, and beach camp-
                            active in her community and   a full service remodeling   ing with her husband and
                            was recently appointed as   coordination and construction   three young children.
                            a Commissioner on the San   company. Laughing makes us   Learn more about
                            Diego Commission on the   feel better; it is free and best   Alphabetology at www.
                            Status of women      when shared.
                                                      Issue 2, 2009
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