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BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
                                                 BFSI Chronicle, 2 nd  Annual Issue, 10 th th  Edition July 2022
        well as  utility of CMAs have to be enhanced. BFSIB  the Banking Month in the month of July, 2022 and
        is working round the clock, 24/7 to enhance the image  we would also organize the investment month in the
        of CMAs and to impress upon all the Institutions  month of September, 2022.
        that CMAs are not mere accountants  but are capable   The BFSI Board had also released the Aide Memoire
        to handle managerial responsibilities as  well with   on Infrastructure Financing at the 60th NCC 2022
        dedication and Devotion.                     and it is selling like hot cakes. We have met important
        Atmanirbhar CMA is our aim. Yes, a self reliant CMA  dignitaries pitching about the Institute growth and
        who is fully equipped and trained to meet the present  apprising them about the activities of BFSIB. We are
        day challenges of the business world with confi dence.  providing representation to Companies and others for
        CMAs have to keep updating their knowledge every  inclusion of CMAs in professional areas pertaining to
        day and be tech savvy. From the days of IQ and EQ, we  the BFSI sector.
        have now come to the age of DQ - Digital Quotient, the   Life is hard for two reasons: Either because you are
        key to success. It’s the digital readiness of individuals,   leaving your COMFORT ZONE or because you are
        teams and enterprises .                      STAYING IN IT. The grass is GREENER where you
        Keeping this in view, BFSIB have introduced online  water it. Be stronger than your strongest excuse. If

        Certificate Courses in Investment Management,  there is NO MUD, NO LOTUS. If you believe , it will
        Concurrent Audit of Banks, Credit Management in  work out, you will see opportunities. Else , you will
        Banks, Treasury Management to equip our CMAs  see obstacles. Rock bottom will teach you lessons that
        to handle all these functions with confi dence.  We  mountain tops never will. The hard work puts you
        have been giving wide publicity amongst Banks and  where the good luck can fi nd you.
        FIs to boost the capacity building. The Institute is   Everyone is  GIFTED, But most people never open
        organizing DISSA Course for Information System   their PACKAGE. Open your PACKAGE, Think BIG
        Security Audit.                              and act BIG……Thinking BIG takes the same amount
        The BFSI Board is continuously trying to strive  of effort as thinking SMALL
        forward by organizing a plethora of activities.   THINK BIG.
        The Department has successfully conducted three
        webinars in the last quarter in important areas like
        cryptocurrency, corporate governance and banking
        yesterday, today and tomorrow. The Department
        has successfully organized the Insurance Month in
        the month of June, 2022 by organizing 4 webinars.
                                                     CMA Chittaranjan Chattopadhyay
        The BFSI Board has successfully organized the

        orientation programme for credit officers . It has   Chairman,
        also successfully conducted courses of relevant and   Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Board,
        pertinent issues covering the interests of members  The Institute of Cost Accountants of India.
        and students. The BFSI Board would be organizing

                                                                The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India
                                                                The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India
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