Page 117 - BFSI CHRONICLE 10 th Issue (2nd Annual Issue ) .indd
P. 117

BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
        The five concepts to understand Blockchain  the POW method usually requires the user
        tech are stated in details and enumerated as  to create a block with restrictions on its Hash
        follows:                                     code. Since the Hash code is unpredictable, the
                                                     miners have to test any possible combination
        First  Crypto hash  - It is a cryptographic   before meeting the requirements. Once the
        function that transforms any given input data
                                                     miner node finds the solution to the PoW
        into a fixed length string of numbers. Every   problem, they add the block to the chain and
        single input of the hash function will produce   every other node to check the validity.
        a different output and the result is always
        deterministic and irreversible. The Blockchain  To sum it up, Block chain allows any user
        nodes use hash functions to create a unique  to create a reliable and immutable system
        identifier of any block of transactions.     for recording any kind of transaction or
                                                     information. There is no need for an external
        Second is the Immutable ledger - Since every   or internal authority.
        block of the chain contains the Hash of the
        previous one, it is not possible to modify any  The topic of the discussion was steered towards
        block without changing the entire chain. Hence  Central Bank Digital Currencies which is
        the chain works as an immutable ledger.      legal tender issued by the Central Banks as a
                                                     competition to Cryptocurrencies. The currency
        Third is the Peer to Peer ledger–The Blockchain   which we use currently is a representative
        does not need any external or internal
                                                     money, which is essentially debt currency
        trust authority. This is possible because the   with the underlying liability of the issuer
        Blockchain data is distributed among all the   and an asset of the holding public. Currency
        users. Every user has its own copy of the    involves seignorage (the difference between the
        transactions and hashed blocks, and they spread   intrinsic value and the representative value of
        the information of any new transaction to the
                                                     the currency that accrues to the issuer). It is the
        entire network. Once a block of transactions is   same as a fiat currency and is exchangeable one-
        validated, it is added to the chain and every   to -one with the fiat currency. The transactions
        user update their local information.
                                                     are recorded in a centralized ledger and the
        Fourth is the Consensus protocol - Users need  Central Banks retain full control over supply.
        to meet an agreement about the validity of the  The idea of CBDCs stems from cryptocurrencies
        chain before adding more blocks. Every time a  and block chain technology but CBDCs are not
        node adds a new block, all of the users have to  necessarily cryptocurrencies.
        validate the block by using a common protocol.
                                                     More than 100 countries are exploring CBDCs
        Typically, the nodes reach a consensus about   at one level or another at this point in time. The
        the correctness of a new block by ‘Proof of
                                                     Bahamas rolled out a CBDC (Sand dollar) in
        Work” or “Proof of Stake” methods.
                                                     October 2020. Sweden has completed a technical
        Fifth is Mining/ Block Validation - Mining  pilot while China has started progress with
        refers to the Act of meeting the Proof of Work  more than 10 crore users with Digital Rimini.
        (POW) requirements for adding a new block  Europe also wanted to launch a digital euro by
        with pending transactions to the Blockchain.  2025 while the UK Government has launched a
        Among the various methods for the mining,  ‘bitcoin’ taskforce. CBDCs needs an underlying
                                                     system for issuance and distribution to the

        The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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