Page 137 - BFSI CHRONICLE 10 th Issue (2nd Annual Issue ) .indd
P. 137

BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
        going to do. It is left to the discretion of the  data if it is a personal data how much is the
        organization to say by having privacy by  sensitivity and then it is seen if there is a data
        design but in PDPA, organizations have to  breach how much of harm can be caused or
        submit a policy document, get it certified. So  how much is the significance of harm and then
        the accountability of the organization is much  the width of the data is looked at i.e. the wider
        higher in PDPA than in GDPR. He said that  the data the more value has to be given. He
        India has also adopted a suggestion that there  also discussed about a purpose-oriented data
        should be something called data trust score is  collection in personal data and said that value
        extremely important as data score becomes a  of data is dependent on the fact as whether it is
        single parameter of something like credit rating  for multiple use or for single and accordingly
        on debt instruments. He elaborated about how  its value gets depreciated.
        do insurers really value the data and what
        are the important parameters that should be   CMA Arup Shankar Bagchi, Senior Director,
        considered while valuing the data. Some of the   HoD, BFSIB, gave the vote of thanks and
                                                     expressed his gratitude to the esteemed
        parameters he mentioned, when a valuation
        of data is done is - it is examined as whether   presence for such an insightful webinar.
        it's a non-personal data and personal

        The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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