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BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10 Edition July 2022
President’s Message
It gives me immense pleasure to announce that the which are useful for professionals in their vocation.
Banking, Financial Services Insurance Board of the Many bankers and professionals are acknowledging
Institute is launching the 10th issue of Banking, the efforts initiated by the Board in their pursuit of
Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) Chronicle knowledge enhancement.The Board is also observing
in the month of July, 2022. It would be the 2nd pension month, insurance month, banking month and
Annual Issue of the endevour of the BFSI Board investment month. The Board has also successfully
and I congratulate on their continuous pursuit of carried out webinars and webints since last year. The
knowledge dissemination for the benefit of members, board is also carrying out workshop on risk based
students of the CMA and others. internal audit, credit management and other value
I congratulate CMA Chittaranjan Chattopadhyay, added activities for the benefit of members, students
and others professionals.
Chairman of Banking, Financial Services and
Insurance Board and other members of the board for I express my gratitude to our resource persons for
an excellent initiative for the benefit of stakeholders their valuable inputs and contribution in this edition.
at large. I also acknowledge the dedicated efforts of CMA Arup
S. Bagchi, Sr. Director, HOD and Secretary of the
We also congratulate that this is being released when
Board and his team for their support to the excellent
the Institute is observing the Banking Month for the
initiative of launching of the 10th volume of the
2nd year on a trot.
Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI)
The chronicle has a compilation of various articles
Chronicle and the 2nd Annual Issue which would be
of very pertinent issues of the Banking, Financial treasure trove for the BFSI sector.
Services and the Insurance Sector. I hope the readers
and all stakeholders will find this publication of an My best wishes to Banking, Financial Services and
Insurance Board for their future endeavours.
immense benefi t.
Warm regards,
The Board is having activities like courses for Banking,
Financial Services and Insurance Sector, organized
orientation programme for Credit Officers of Bank of
India, workshop on risk based internal audit, credit
management and other relevant areas for the benefi t CMA P. Raju Iyer
of the large universe of aspirants in BFSI sector, The President
Board is continuous striving and releasing publications The Institute of Cost Accountants of India.
The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India