Page 78 - BFSI CHRONICLE 10 th Issue (2nd Annual Issue ) .indd
P. 78
BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10 Edition July 2022
beneficiaries, who possess their own or lease For capture fisheries, working capital may
registered fishing vessel/boat, hold required include the cost of fuel, ice, labouring charges,
fishing license/took approval for fishing in sea mooring / landing charges etc. may form part
and estuary, fish farming/mariculture activities of the scale of finance.
in open sea and estuaries or any other State
specific fisheries and allied activities. The working capital components in Animal
Husbandry, under the scale of finance, may
Other Agriculture Allied Activities eligible include recurring cost towards feeding,
under KCC are: veterinary aid, labour, water and electricity
a) Poultry and Small Ruminant: Farmers, supply.
poultry farmers either individual or joint The maximum limit for the valuation of
borrower, Joint Liability Groups or Self-
working capital requirement will be depending
Help Groups including tenant farmer of on the completion of one production cycle or
sheep / goats / pigs / poultry / birds cash flow statement.
/ rabbit and having owned / rented /
leased sheds. Fisheries and Animal Husbandry experts of the
Govt. may be made members of the DLTC for
b) Dairy: Farmers and Dairy farmers giving technical inputs for assessing the cash
either individual or joint borrower, Joint
credit requirement.
Liability Groups or Self-Help Groups
including tenant farmers having owned Progressive entrepreneurs of fisheries/
/rented/leased sheds. livestock sector may also be incorporated in
the DLTC in order to provide field level inputs
Scale of Finance: during the process if assessment of the working
District Level Technical Committee (DLTC) will
capital requirements.
fix the scale of finance based on the local cost
worked out on the basis of Per Unit/Acre/Per General Guidelines:
Animal/Per bird etc. The Beneficiaries should always Lease or Own
any kind of Assets which are related to Fisheries
Under Scale of Finance the Working Capital
like Tanks, Ponds, Open Water Bodies, Boats,
Components in Fisheries, may include
Raceways, Hatcheries, Nets, Rearing Units, and
Recurring Cost Towards Seed. other Fishing Gear because the case may be and
possess necessary Authorisation/Certification
as may be applicable in respective States for
Organic and Inorganic Fertilisers. Fish Farming and Fishing related activities and
for any other State Specific Fisheries and Allied
Lime / Other Soil Conditioners. Activities.
Harvesting and Marketing Charges. Drawing power: The drawing power will be
worked on the basis of the latest valuation of
Fuel / Electricity Charges.
stocks, receivables and/or cash flows as per
Labour. terms of sanction.
Lease Rent (if Leased Water Area) etc. Repayment: The loan will be in the nature of a
The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India