Page 86 - BFSI CHRONICLE 10 th Issue (2nd Annual Issue ) .indd
P. 86

BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
        form of aquatic business mortgages and  1956 nationalizing the Life Insurance sector and
        shippers’ bonds. Insurance in India has grown  Life Insurance Corporation came into being in
        over time  drawing from other countries,  the similar year. The LIC attracted 154 Indian,
        England in particular.                       16 non-Indian insurers as also 75 provident
                                                     societies-245 Indian and foreign insurers in all.
        Modern insurance can be tracked in the past to
                                                     The LIC had domination till the late 90s when
        the city's Great Fire of London, which appeared   the Insurance sector was resurrected to the
        in 1666. When it demolished thirty thousand     private sector.
        households, a dude identified Nicholas Barbon
        set up a structure of  insurance company. He  Parent of Insurance Sector  --- IRDA
        later launched the city's first fire insurance  This is   the mission (IRDAI, n.d.) of IRDA
                                                     To protect the interest of and secure fair
        In India, life insurance has been a fundamental  treatment to policyholders.
        element of most individuals' life cycles. For a
                                                       Ø  to bring about speedy and orderly growth
        few, it is a financing opportunity while others
        refer to it as a security net to support for their   of the insurance industry (including
        people's up comings in case of unfortunate         annuity and superannuation payments),
                                                           for the benefit of the common man,
                                                           and to provide long term funds for
        The Indian Life Assurance Companies Act,           accelerating growth of the economy.Ø
        1912 was the first statutory measure to regulate   to set, promote, monitor, and enforce
        life business. In 1928, the Indian Insurance       high standards of integrity, financial
        Companies  Act was enacted to enable the           soundness, fair dealing, and competence
        Government to collect statistical information      of those it regulates.
        about both life and non-life business transacted
                                                       Ø    to ensure speedy settlement of genuine
        in India by Indian and foreign insurers
        including provident insurance societies. (DNA,     claims, to prevent insurance frauds and
        2011).                                             other malpractices and put in place
                                                           effective grievance redressal machinery.
        As per the suggestions of the Malhotra
        Committee report, in 1999, the Insurance       Ø  to promote fairness, transparency and
        Regulatory and Development  Authority              orderly conduct in financial markets
                                                           dealing with insurance and build a
        (IRDA) was instituted as a self-governing
        body to standardize and expand the insurance       reliable management information system
                                                           to enforce high standards of financial
        business. The IRDA was integrated as a legal
        body in April 2000. The basic aims of the IRDA     soundness amongst market players.
        comprise campaign of competition to boost      Ø   to take action where such standards are
        customer gratification because of enhanced         inadequate or ineffectively enforced.
        consumer preference and smaller premiums,
        while safeguarding the financial insurance of   Ø   to bring about optimum amount of
        the market.                                        self-regulation in day-to-day working
                                                           of the industry consistent with the
        An Ordinance was released on 19th January          requirements of prudential regulation.

                                                                The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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