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BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
        the total expenditure, with road Sector 18%,  widen and deepen the Infrastructure  funding
        urban infrastructure at 17% and railways at  market.
        12%. In the field of renewable energy India is   H. Challenges
        already doing well and has revised its target for
        renewable energy generating capacity to 500   With their distinctive characteristics, of long
                                                     gestation period, large capital costs, and
        GW by 2030. Keeping in view its commitment at
        international level for environmental protection   dependence on external regulations, the
        against global warming fresh opportunities   infrastructure sector has inherent challenges
        are emerging in battery storage and green    to be dealt with. Delays in completion of the
        hydrogen.  With growing urbanization, in     projects, cost overruns and stalled projects are
                                                     seen as issues, needed to be sorted out. Non
        line with holistic overall development of the
        country, additional opportunities in the field   availability of Right of way/land  in case of
        of urban infrastructure and redevelopment of   road projects, delays in environmental and
        railway stations are bound to arise.         other clearances , reduced level of revenues
                                                     ,non availability of fuel , inadequate resources
        For garnering additional funds, to be recycled  with promoters and delays in dispute resolution
        for further development of infrastructure, the  with authorities are some of the adverse factors
        National Monetization Plan has been rolled  afflicting this sector which have also lead to
        out with a target of ` 6.00 lac crores over the  comparatively higher NPAs .These challenges
        period 2022-2025 coterminous with NIP. Road  are required be dealt with in a holistic manner
        and Railways are going to be major sub sectors  with suitable reforms and changes  In processes
        for this initiative.                         and procedures at various levels to ensure more
                                                     efficiency and effectiveness
        Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs) have
        emerged as a major mechanism of Monetization  I. Conclusion:-
        of Road assets, since they are  more like  Infrastructure is the backbone of the Indian
        mutual funds with wider participation and are  economy and going forward it is going to play
        commercially more efficient from investor’s  still more significant role in the entire ecosystem
        point of view.                               with implementation of comprehensive policies
                                                     and programs  of the Government of India. All
        New  Alternate  Avenues of  infrastructure
                                                     the stakeholders including the, government
        funding are emerging, since the total        agencies, financial Institutions, existing and
        requirement is much   larger than the current
        resources available.  To supplement this  effort,   potential entrepreneur developers need to
                                                     contribute their mite in this direction. while
        National Bank For Financing Infrastructure   there are ample opportunities arising, due to
        and  Development (NABFID) has been set up
                                                     global  pressures for green and sustainable
        by the Government with an initial share capital   growth, the challenge need to be dealt, with in
        of `20000 crores and target lending portfolio of
        ` 5 lac crores over 3 years.                 a systematic manner. Suitable Reforms in the
                                                     matter of regulatory guidelines and enabling
        New sources of funding also include  environment for additional sources of funding
        Infrastructure debt funds (IDFs), Securitisation,  through banks and other avenues need to
        Refinancing, sovereign green Bonds and credit  be explored for infrastructure sector to truly
        enhancement guarantees which will further  contribute towards our cherished goals.

        The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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