Page 1 - HomeMatters Q1 2020
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              New rent revenue exceeds expectations   Habitat for Humanity celebrates   We’ve cut the ribbon on Harlow DC
                in 2019, thanks to the department of   30 years of home building and   early in 2019 and this mixed-use luxury
                  Budget, Energy and Subsidy.      we join in to show our support.  apartment community is already fully leased!

                                                    WINTE R  2 0 2 0

                                              AWARDS                                  PMA PACE

                      A LETTER FROM OUR CEO                                           We are so proud of our teams for
                                              WE LOVE WHEN OUR TEAMS ARE              their outstanding work and dedication
                      I WANT TO               RECOGNIZED FOR THEIR HARD WORK!         in the Property Management Associa-
                      WELCOME YOU                                                     tion Awards this year! As a PACE
                      ALL TO 2020!
                                                                                      sponsor, October’s ceremony was an
        Having received numerous awards and                                           excellent opportunity to network with
        acknowledgements, 2019 was a very                                             industry peers. Our Marketing team
        successful year for our Edgewood and                                          even got to present some awards!
        Vantage teams. We also helped to                                              Congratulations to:
        build, open and lease up conventional
        and affordable new buildings in                                               ALEXANDER HOUSE APARTMENTS
        Bethesda, Silver Spring and DC. As we                                         Silver Spring
        start the new year, we are not only
        celebrating that success but looking                                          Distinguished Community Market
        to it to identify opportunities for                                           Rate MD ($1,701 - $1,900)
        improve ment in hopes of achieving    Marketing and                           CUMBERLAND ARMS
        continued success in 2020.            Advertising Excellence                  Distinguished Community Senior MD
        For 48 years, we have been dedicated   We took home an incredible 12 awards    ($900 - $1,200)
        to improving people’s lives and       at the Property Management Association’s
        preserving service-enriched multifamily                                       GALLERY BETHESDA
        communities. It is our family culture   MAE Awards this December!             Winner Market Rate MD ($2,101+)
        and strong, sustainable values that    HARLOW                                 GALLERY BETHESDA II
        will continue to guide us through the   Lease Up Public Website               Winner Lease-Up MD ($3,000+)
        year ahead.
                                              Lease Up Marketing Campaign             HARLOW DC
        In addition, in an effort to stay ahead   Lease Up Resident Communication     Winner Lease-Up DC
        in the multifamily industry, we will be   Lease Up Signage (Honorable Mention)  ($2,400 - $3,400)
        transitioning to a new cutting-edge   Lease Up Model Apartment
        online training platform. When armed        (Honorable Mention)               QUEENSTOWN APARTMENTS
        with knowledge and best practices,                                            Distinguished Community Market
        both our employees and properties     Lease Up Promotional Item               Rate MD ($800 - $1,300)
        are better able to meet and exceed         (Honorable Mention)
        revenue goals.                        GALLERY BETHESDA II
        We have also partnered with top-tier   Lease Up Social Media Campaign
        industry vendors to implement new     Lease Up Model Apartment
        CRM (customer relationship manage-    Lease Up Promotional Item
        ment) software to support our teams   Lease Up Event
        with more robust analytics, faster
        communication, and instant insights   CORPORATE AWARDS
        and tracking. This will allow our     Other: Improving People’s Lives Campaign
        managers to operate with more         Promotional: Speaker and Pen
        efficiency, greater impact, and
        better decision-making.
        Remember, as we face new challenges,                 ONE OF OUR NEWEST PROPERTIES, GALLERY BETHESDA II,
        we will also face new opportunities.                 was named Reader’s Pick, “Best New Luxury Apartment Building”
        I look forward to making 2020 a                      in Bethesda Magazine’s Best of Bethesda edition. The property has
        memorable year with each of you!                     also been awarded the Best Multi-Family Project — Montgomery
        Cindy Sanquist                                       County by NAIOP DC l MD Chapter! Congratulations to all the
                                                             incredible teams who helped achieve this honor!
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