Page 56 - Construction Vision Dec-Jan 2024 Issue
P. 56
AAC block, the dead weight of the building made with AAC block is building.
much lesser than building made with traditional materials like clay
As the AAC blocks are porous so they need to be handled carefully
bricks. Which makes building more safer during any seismic
during transporting, loading and unloading to avoid unnecessary
breakage. It is also noticed at site that due to light weightlabourers
The AAC blocks are fire resistance as the materials used in handle them causally, which causes unwanted breakage.
manufacturing AAC blocks are non-combustible that provides fire
The prices of any building material vary with the quantity you order.
resistance of up to six hours, depending on the block thickness and
If you are constructing a small house or single-storybuilding, then
up to 1,200 degrees Celsius, which is higher than other building
the requirement of AAC block will be lesser in comparison of multi
materials. This property of AAC blocks makes it best choice from a
storied building. The overall AAC Block prices may be high when
fire safety point of view.
compared to traditional bricks due to lesser quantity requirement.
AAC blocks offer high fire resistance, sound absorption Because this reason also AAC blocks are best used in high-rise
capabilities,energy efficient Earthquake resistant, faster buildings and are not very popular with IHB segment or smaller
construction and light weight. This makes them an ideal choice for projects.
creating environmental-friendly structures that offer enhanced
For laying AAC block expert masons are required ordinary mason
safety economical construction and comfort for occupants.
cannot properly lay AAC blocks else it may lead to cracking in walls.
In addition to their technical advantages, AAC blocks also
For load bearing walls appropriate thickness of wall is required and
contribute towards efficient waste management. The utilization of
many a time finding the right size of AAC block for such thickness of
fly ash - a byproduct of coal-fired power plants - as one of the
wall becomes difficult. Therefore, the AAC blocks are mostly used
primary components reduces its negative impact on the
for partition walls.
environment while providing economic value through resource
The adoption of AAC blocks in construction projects helps
recycling. The AAC blocks uses lesser natural resources during
minimize overall resource consumption while promoting
manufacturing which makes them sustainable and green product.
sustainable development. By leveraging this innovative building
With lots of advantages AAC block has some limitations also.
material, we can create smarter buildings that contribute towards a
Improper installation of AAC blocks can cause cracks in the greener future with reduced carbon footprint and long-term
structure of the blocks, and this will affect the final finish of the environmental benefits.