Page 6 - E-BOOK_English for Elementary School grade 4
P. 6


                   1.  Learning Achievement

                       Knowing  the  social  function,  text  structure,  and  linguistic  elements  of  spoken  and
                       written  transactional  interaction  texts  that  involve  the  act  of  giving  and  asking  for
                       information related to hobbies.

                   2.  Learning Sub-Achievement

                         1) Knowing about the name's of Hobbies
                         2) Knowing the Expression of asking someone's hobby
                         3) Knowing Use expression of asking someone's hobby in written and spoken
                         4) Knowing How to describe Hobbies

                   3.  Subject Matter

                       The main points of Teaching Materials are: A. Vocabulary Names of Hobby B. Learn
                       Expression of Asking someone's hobby C. Learn How to Use of asking someone's
                       hobby in written and spoken language D. Learn How to describe Hobby

                   4.   Explanation Material

                                                              My Hobby is Singing

                                           What is Hobby ??

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