Page 12 - Recount Text - Biography_Neat
P. 12

Biography of Raden Ajeng Kartini

             2. Fill in the blanks with words given below:

                    emphasize, renounce, civilize, dominate, developed, philosophy,
                                distinction, pioneer, nascent, embody,

                1.  Ki Hajar ____________________ his aristocratic title to get more close to
                2.  The educational ____________________ of Taman Siswa is deeply rooted
                   in principles of Ki Hajar Dewantara.
                3.  Project based learning ____________________ on active learning.
                4.  My  mother  believes  that  we  always  have  to  behave  in  a
                   ____________________ manner.
                5.  My brother has ____________________   a strong liking for Lampung
                6.  Mary ____________________  the stage throughout the play. She has a
                   strong personality.
                7.  Our batch is the  ____________________ of Project based learning in our
                8.  My sister’s _________ acting career as of yet has only a fiew short ad films
                   to show for.
                9.  She has ____________________ all the revolutionary ideas.
                10. There should not be any ____________________ between humans. All
                   are created by  God.

             74  Kelas XI SMA/MA/SMK/MAK                                    Semester 2
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