Page 1223 - Master Catalog 2017, Inch
P. 1223
VariMill III ER
VariMill III ER provides the highest metal removal rates and superior surface fi nish
in the most demanding workpiece materials in the aerospace industry. WIDIA-Hanita ™
combines its unmatched tooling technology with state-of-the-art surface treatments
to deliver the highest quality and productivity you can rely on when it comes down
to critical semi-fi nishing and fi nishing operations.
• 7-Flute design maximizes Metal Removal Rates (MRR) and surface quality.
• Up to 30% radial engagement allowing for increased productivity.
• Perfectly suited for high-speed machining techniques such as trochoidal and peel milling.
• Central coolant hole on 2 x D tools; chip evacuation during pocketing.
• Available with SAFE-hOCK as standard for increased tool life and anti-pullout.
• Available with all common aerospace radii.
To learn more about our innovations, contact your local
Authorized Distributor or visit
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