Page 698 - Master Catalog 2017, Inch
P. 698

Laydown Threading
                  Catalog Numbering System

                 Laydown Threading
                Toolholder Identifi cation System


                        L           S            AS            R                      16        3

                      Insert       Insert        Tool         Hand        Drop       Shank     Insert     Qualifi ed
                       Style       Holding       Style       of Tool      Head        Size      Size     Surface and
                                   Method                                                                  Length

                 L —                        Straight shank                                                C —
                 Laydown triangle                                              DH                         qualifi ed
                                                                                                          back and
                                                                                                          end, 5" long
                                                                                                          D —
                                                                                                          qualifi ed
                                                                                                          back and
                                                      AS                                                  end, 6" long
                                                                                                          E —
                                                                                                          qualifi ed
                                                                                                          back and
                                            Offset shank              Inch:                               end, 7" long
                                                                      This shows a two-digit
                                                                      number that indicates               T —
                                                                      the holder cross section.           qualifi ed
                                                                      For shanks 5/8" square              back and
                                                                      and over, the number will           end, 3.25"
                                                                      represent the number of             long
                                                                      sixteenths of width and
                                                                      height. For shanks under            Q —
                                                                      5/8" square, the number             qualifi ed
                                                                      of sixteenths of cross section      metric
                                                                      will be preceded by a zero.         holder
                 S —                          Left           Right    For rectangular holders,
                 Insert screw or clamp only   hand           hand     the fi rst digit represents
                                                                      the number of eighths of
                                                                      width, and the second digit
                                                                      the number of quarters of
                                                 L            R       height, except for a toolholder
                                                                      1-1/4" x 1-1/2", which is
                                                                      given the number 91.

                                                                      Size equals number of
                                                                      1/8" increments of iC.

                                                                         inch   metric
                                                                        insert  insert   d1      L1
                                                                         size    size   inch     mm
                                                                          2      11      1/4    11,0
                                                                          3      16      3/8    16,5
                                                                          4      22      1/2    22,0
                                                                          5      27      5/8    27,0


                                                F072 F073 Mi
                       WID M
                               16 T
         L WID_Master16_Turning_Threading_F072_F073_Minch_REBRAND.indd   72  h REBRAND O  b  15 2015 8 39 AM       10/30/15   2:13 PM
   693   694   695   696   697   698   699   700   701   702   703