Page 18 - Demo
P. 18
It takes only 165 to 170 Implant Patients provided by my SellMore-Implants%u2122 System to make the same $1-Million. Or just 45 to 90 FULL MOUTH implant cases. Which path to each Million seems SMARTER to you? LESS STRESSFUL? More manageable?$V%u00036KHUORFN%u0003+ROPHV%u0003SXW%u0003LW%u000f%u0003WKH%u0003DQVZHU%u0003LV%u0003DV%u00032%9,286%u0003as a giant trout in a bowl of milk!Here is what, with your permission, we will do:,QFUHDVH%u0003