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                                    &\\FORVW\\OH%u0003'XSOLFDWRU%u0011%u00037KLV%u0003ZDV%u0003P\\%u0003%u00bfUVW%u0003H[SRVXUH%u0003WR%u0003%u00b3PDVV%u0003FRPPXQLFDWLRQV%u00b4%u0004%u00040\\%u0003%u00bfUVW%u0003MRE%u0003LQ%u0003WKH%u00038QLWHG%u00036WDWHV%u0003ZDV%u0003PDUNHWLQJ%u0003IRU%u0003D%u0003+HDOWK%u0003&OXE%u0011%u0003$IWHU%u0003JHQHUDWLQJ%u0003PXOWLSOH%u0003OHDGV%u0003LQ%u0003KLJK%u0003IRRW%u0003WUD%u0264F%u0003ORFDWLRQV%u000f%u0003,%u0003ZRXOG%u0003FROG%u0010FDOO%u0003interested potential members%u2026I learned I was pretty good at this and I ${body.pageText}78$//<%u0003/,.('%u0003,7%u0004%u0004%u0003&RQVHTXHQWO\\%u000f%u0003,%u0003ZDV%u0003VXFFHVVIXO%u0003DW%u0003JHQHUDWLQJ%u0003many sales.I soon moved on to work for a direct mail marketing %u00bfUP%u000f%u0003-%u00110%u0011%u00033HUURQH%u0003&RPSDQ\\%u0003LQ%u0003+LQJKDP%u000f%u00030$%u000f%u0003ZKHUH%u0003I introduced a software product called Telemagic, to senior management; they adopted it for their business. While my coworkers laughed and told me learning the system was a huge waste of time, I soon convinced them that the software, along with the computer, ZDV%u0003OLNH%u0003RZQLQJ%u0003D%u0003%u00b37KRXVDQG%u0003'ROODU%u00035RORGH[%u00b4%u0011%u00037KH%u0003RZQHU%u0003RI%u0003WKH%u0003FRPSDQ\\%u0003was a Professor at Bentley College in Boston, who convinced me to go after my MBA (in Marketing); which I did (from Bentley College) in 1994. I wrote many papers on Direct Marketing, Database Marketing, and Direct Mail Marketing while journeying towards my degree. One of the assignments in my New Product Development class was to create a product and a Marketing plan. I developed a mailing list to the Indian &RPPXQLW\\%u0003LQ%u0003$PHULFD%u0011%u00037KLV%u0003ZDV%u0003P\\%u0003%u00bfUVW%u0003LQWURGXFWLRQ%u0003WR%u0003GDWD%u0003EDVHG%u0003marketing. Over the next twelve years, I continued to develop and expand my skills LQ%u0003&XVWRPHU%u00035HODWLRQVKLS%u00030DQDJHPHQW%u0003%u000b&50%u000c%u0003LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ%u0011%u0003$OO%u0003WKH%u0003while, my company invested heavily in my continuing education. As I continued to take on more responsibility, I decided I would make it HDVLHU%u0003RQ%u0003P\\VHOI%u0003WR%u0003%u00bfQG%u0003SRWHQWLDO%u0003FOLHQWV%u0003E\\%u0003EHFRPLQJ%u0003P\\%u0003RZQ%u0003UHVLGHQW%u0003OLVW%u0003expert. I soon realized that I could provide a needed service to our clients, so I began a program to buy and sell data for our clients.I started a dot com company in 1998 but my business failed miserably. Broke and in debt up to my eyeballs, I went back to my old company and asked for my job back, plus convinced my boss to give me a substantial UDLVH%u0003WR%u0003SD\\%u0003R%u0263%u0003P\\%u0003GHEW%u0011%u0003+H%u0003JDYH%u0003PH%u0003D%u0003VKRUW%u0003OHDVK%u0003EXW%u0003,%u0003ZDV%u0003ZHOO%u0003UHZDUGHG%u0003when, almost immediately, I closed a $400,000 deal with Children%u2019s Hospital. I was back on track but, like most entrepreneurs, I got the bug to strike out on my own again.In 2002, I opened Listlaunchers, Boston%u2019s premier list brokerage company Preview Copy | 70
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