Page 6 - Redwood Community Services | Annual Report 2020
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 Redwood Community Services provides a number of different skill building and empowerment service programs designed to assist our clients with their ultimate suc2c0e2s0s.BForoamrdroefsDouirercetocresnters to employment services, Redwood Community Services is committed to providing our young adults with every tool for success as they transition to adulthood.
Most popular activities offered in 2020
 In 2020 RCS Youth Resource Centers continued to serve community youth through a variety of services under the Covid-19 Shelter in Place Orders.
    126 youth members at the Harbor 107 youth members at the Arbor
"I like how warm it is in the Arbor as well as the fact that they always have tea and healthy snacks. One of the most important things they help me with is career searched. The staff are always easy to talk to." TP, Arbor youth member
Job Readiness
     100 75 50 25 0
Qtr 1
Qtr 2
Qtr 3
Qtr 4
            Total members served
"The best thing about the Harbor for me and my kids is the Thursday night dinners, the clothing closet, hygiene shelf, and the staff. Staff is always there to help/assist, even if it's just support for something the Harbor can't help with directly, staff is always there - very resourceful, educated, and friendly."
LD, Harbor youth member
"I love the Thursday night dinners, staff is always helpful with transportation." PM, Harbor youth member
 Harbor Youth Resource Center
150 S Main Street Lakeport, CA (707) 994-5486
Arbor Youth Resource
810 N State Street Ukiah, CA
(707) 462-7267

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