Page 8 - Redwood Community Services | Annual Report 2020
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Opened in October 2019, Birch House is a Center-Based Complex Care program that
serves youth who have severe symptoms and/or behaviors. The acuity of these
symptoms, which are characterized as self-destructive and self-sabotaging, prevent
2020 Board of Directors
these youth from being able to access Intensive Services Foster Care Programs or the traditional STRTP milieu settings. Youth that require a Center-Based Complex Care placement need safety, structure, routine, clear expectations, and effective therapeutic interventions. Underlying these basic components of an effective treatment program are
a shared philosophy that values engagement and a positive relationship with youth.
Individual Therapy 7.5%
Therapeutic Behavioral Support (TBS)is a service of our Specialty Mental Health Services. TBS is a short-term program that focuses on changing a youth’s behavior, while emphasizing the youth’s strengths. TBS works in collaboration with the youth, the youth’s caregivers and the primary clinician to address 1 to 3 behaviors that jeopardize the youth’s ability to be placed in a lower level of care such as reunification or a resource family home.
TBS 60.9%
Case Management 17.1%
Family Therapy 1.8%
Rehabilitation Services 12.7%
Client services provided
1,000 750 500 250 0
Qtr 1
Qtr 2
Qtr 3
Qtr 4
Service hours provided
"Birch House-Complex Care is a unique program creating a home-like setting with a 2:1 staff to client ratio for youth who have experienced multiple failed placements. These youth that are unable to remain in an STRTP program can come to Birch to stabilize and return to a lower level of care. In 2020 Birch House successfully transitioned 2 youth to a
lower level of care and 2 youth transitioned to their forever home.
One of our highest risk youth in 2020 came with significant barrier behaviors and, with the support of the team was able to successfully transition to their forever home with 3 months of the Birch House program services. This is a great example of what a dedicated team andintensive services can do in a short time!"
Paulita Peredia, Program Supervisor STRTP and Complex Care
Birch House Facility #236890052
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