Page 2 - NRMLA RMM May/June Issue_Tab Article
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through law school and, after I graduated, I would serve in RM: How did you become an expert in sales and
the [Judge Advocate General] Corps for seven years. Since leadership training?
I was going to be away for a long time, I wanted to visit TA: At that time in the UK, the government was trying
my mother for three weeks. I did that, but then I never left to reduce the unemployment rate by offering companies
Scotland. I fell in love with the place. subsidies to construct call centers and hire and train
call-center agents. A Scottish businessman named Tom
RM: Did that end your legal career? Farmer, who was your classic rags-to-riches story, founded
TA: No, I eventually entered the University of Stirling, a successful chain of garages called Kwik Fit and later he
where I began studying business law. After my first year, got into car insurance and built a 400-person call center.
my professor encouraged me to consider moving my There was a massive recruiting campaign. I ended up being
course of study to criminal law. He said, “If ever there was hired as one of the first management team members. There
someone who belonged in a court room arguing a case were 16 of us hired. The company that hired us came back
it is you!” Ha! Very true. I do love a good debate! With four months later and said, “We’re getting ready to hire
his recommendation, I applied to study for my degree the call center agents, but we need people to volunteer
at the University of Glasgow to become an appellant to become trainers.” I applied to go through a special
barrister (the ones with white wigs and black capes). As training program and was one of three people selected.
with many of us, personal circumstances took me away That’s where my training experience started. It was like I
from my studies for a bit, and it was at this point where had been doing it forever. Selling and training are a lot like
my entrance to the world of training and leadership presenting a case in court. You’re trying to make a point
development began. and sway the jury or your audience one way or the other.
Talking Heads continued on page 16