Page 5 - Retail Jumbo Booklet
P. 5

Reverse mortgages continue to improve over the years, and one of the

                    biggest improvements, in my opinion, has been the introduction

                    of AAG’s Advantage, a jumbo reverse mortgage loan.

                    By making the Advantage available to owners of higher-value homes

                    (worth up to $10 million), a far greater number of older Americans can

                    achieve their personal and financial goals through the responsible use
                    of their home equity.

                    With loans up to $4 million, many Advantage customers are creatively and

                    strategically using their home equity as never before to gain the lifestyle,

                    financial independence, and security they want for their retirement.

                    Yes, reverse mortgages have come a long way since the first one was made

                    in 1961. So, in honor of that tradition of progress and innovation, I invite you

                    to learn a great deal more about the AAG Advantage, and how you may put

                    one to work to help you live and retire better.

                    Tom Selleck
                    Paid AAG Spokesperson

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