Page 10 - Di' Aroma Sun
P. 10

Open the machine and put the oil in. Take out the connector from the top of
               machine and change a special connector to connect the tubes. Then,
               connect the power supply and turn on the switch to set the timer program.
               Finally, connect the tube to the air supply outlet of HVAC system, then fix

               the machine. (Attention: For the first use, it must be oil put in without
               electricity before timer program setting).

               Troubleshooting & Maintenance:

                 Troubles                       Elimination                    Maintenance

                 NO LCD indication              Check the power supply         Connect the power supply
                                                and the switch                 again and turn it ON
                 No atomization                 Check the power supply;        Connect the power supply
                                                check the pump working or  again to check the pump
                                                not; check the working         and set the program again
                                                status (working time or
                                                pause time)
                 Small atomization amount       Check the atomizer if block  Clean the atomizer and
                                                or not; check the pump         change the pump
                                                good or not
                 Comes out liquid oil from      Check if the atomization       Tighten the atomization
                 external atomization           connector is loose or not      connector and make the
                 connector                      Check if the machine is        machine upright
                                                lean or not
                 Oil Leaking                    Check if the oil bottle is     Tighten the oil bottle and
                                                loose or not; Check if the     bottle seal
                                                bottle seal is lost or not
                 Abnormal sound                 Check if the pump is loose  Make sure the pump in
                                                or not                         right location

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