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          Buyers ultimately determine the value of a home, not sellers.

          That may seem counterintuitive in this market, but a property is only worth what someone willingly pays. Too many buyers end up

          overpaying because they operate from a position of desperation or fear.

          Closing deals for clients is more complicated than simply outbidding everyone else. We still believe in the power of negotiation and
          don’t want you spending any more than is necessary to secure the home upon which your heart and head are set on.

          Real estate transactions are as individual as people, and              •  We will present your offer to the listing agent and the sellers
          therefore, there are no two transactions that are exactly alike.           and quickly bring back any counter-offers or updates to you,

          But with the goal of getting you the right place at the right              ensuring you have every opportunity to stay engaged with the
          price, we’ve developed a proven and effective strategy.                    process and negotiate effectively.

          Once we have found the home you want to buy, we will                   •  On a case-by-case basis, we’ll also work with you to strategize
          review and discuss market conditions to determine the value                an approach for maximum leverage. This can include options

          and your desired offer price.                                              such as sweetening the offer by removing contingencies and
                                                                                     often inviting you to submit a personal letter to the seller with
          There are many variables that help define what the offer price
                                                                                     your offer.
          should be and we will explain these to you.

                                                                                 The competitiveness of this market often requires making offers
          •  We will draft the offer and review with you all of the
                                                                                 on more than one property before we successfully close the right
              financing options, inspections and contingencies that are
                                                                                 deal for you. Not winning an offer can be disappointing, but
              part of your offering.
                                                                                 we repeatedly find that when clients finally lock in a successful
                                                                                 purchase, they almost always feel that the property they can

                                                                                 finally call home was worth the wait and effort.
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