Page 15 - The Cool Filter LLC - Profile & Product Catalogue
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Kitchen Water Purification System
EVERPURE® 4CB5 FILTER CARTRIDGE The same commercial quality that makes Everpure the overwhelming choice for water
DELIVERS QUALITY WATER FOR FOODSERVICE, AND COFFEE APPLICATIONS filtration in restaurants is also available for homes. Everpure’s exclusive precoat
✓ Carbon block filter finely polishes water for high quality beverage and food filtration technology combines Micro-Pure and a unique pleated filter membrane to
✓ Sanitary cartridge replacement is simple, quick and clean; internal filter parts are trap particles as small as ½ micron. This highly engineered design offers the largest
never exposed to handling or contamination filtering surface area, longer filter life and consistent performance.
✓ Reduces chlorine taste & odor and other offensive contaminants that can adversely ✓ The exclusive precoat technology combines Micro-Pure filtration media and a
affect the taste of water and beverages unique pleated filter membrane to reduce particles as small as ½ micron. This
✓ Reduces extra fine dirt and particles as small as five (5) microns in size*
✓ Does not remove fluoride design offers the largest filtering surface area, a longer filter life and consistent
✓ NSF® Certified under NSF Standards 42 performance
*As tested by Pentair ✓ Everpure systems reduce contaminants, yet retain vital minerals found naturally in
➢ Service Flow Rate: Maximum 1.67 gpm (6.3 Lpm) water. So the water tastes crisp, clean and refreshing
➢ Rated Capacity: 6,000 gallons (22,710 L)
✓ Adsorbs common earthy, moldy, fishy tastes, and odors
✓ Everpure’s signature metal canister, lined with a food-grade polymer, delivers
commercial grade durability and quality
✓ Reduces chlorine taste & odor and other offensive contaminants that can adversely ✓ This Everpure under-sink drinking water system gives a great tasting water – all
affect the taste of beverages you want, on demand – for cost that’s far less than bottled water
✓ Sanitary cartridge replacement is simple, quick and clean; internal filter parts are never ✓ Protects the filter system from splitting or bursting
exposed to handling ✓ Ideal for drinking and cooking purposes in your house or apartment
✓ or contamination ✓ Convenient – Comes ready to install with a faucet
✓ Protects drink system seals, pump, tubing and small orifices from clogging, corrosion and ✓ Premium Quality – Taste the difference: everything made with water will taste
abrasive wear better: coffee, tea, flavored water mix, juices, soups – even the ice cubes
✓ Exclusive precoat filtration provides superior chlorine taste & odor reduction and micro-
filters dirt and particles as small as 0.2* micron in size by mechanical means CONTAMINANT REDUCTION:
✓ Improves the taste of fountain beverages and helps retain the drink’s carbonation ❖ Cysts such as Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica and Cryptosporidium parvum
✓ Proprietary Everpure Micro-Pure® II filtration media effectively inhibits the growth of ❖ Chlorine
bacteria on the filter media that can decrease product life ❖ Taste & odor
✓ NSF/ANSI Standard 53 certified to reduce cysts such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia by ❖ Dirt and cloudiness*
mechanical means ❖ Mold and algae*
• Validated by ISO 17025 accredited lab for 99.999% reduction of Pseudomonas diminuta ❖ Particulates (oxidized iron, manganese and sulfides)*
following the ASTM F838-05 protocol for the validation of 0.2 μm sterilizing grade filters.
➢ Service Flow Rate: Maximum 1.67 gpm (6.3 Lpm) Flow rate: 1.9 Lpm
➢ Rated Capacity: 9,000 gallons (34,068 L) ▪ Temperature: 2-38°C - cold water use only
▪ Pressure: 0.7-8.6 bar
▪ Capacity: 5.670 L ( Approximately 1 year of water supply, depending on family size
and the amount of water you drink)