P. 20

Random  Encounters of the Yakama District

         All Dried Up                                           escapes, but in the brush the PC(s) find a homeless
         Location: M17                                          bum. Clearly dead. Looks like he fell from a great
         The local fishmonger is desperate due to the sudden
         absence of all of their fishing gear.  The nearby river   A Piece of the Puzzle
         also appear to be empty now. The Fishmonger has no     Location: K29
         idea who or what could have made the fish disappear    The price of a brand of foreign sake has tripled in
         since their most recent fishing excursion.
                                                                price. The Food stand owner mutters something
         Mystery Metals                                         about pirates. The barkeep explains it's just a euphe-

         Location: V31                                          mism for the waggoneers and their extortionate ways.
         The party finds a smoldering crater containing a rare   Dead in the Weeds
         metal. The metal exceeds the collective CAR of the     Location: D23
         party by 25.                                           A dead homeless man has been found in the brush.

         Fairytale Ending                                       He is holding a bottle of very cheap whisky. A mes-
         Location: O29                                          sage attached to the bottle reads, “Bring more or all
                                                                will suffer”.
         Two members of the district came across each other
         in the woods and, over the course of multiple moonlit   Sword of the Omen
         encounters, fell deeply in love. The woman's family    Location: Y19
         has a deep-rooted fear of the other, and is actively   A random sword lay on the ground.  When it is
         trying to put a stop to the pair's relationship. The   picked up it falls apart. Inside the hilt a scrap of
         family is even more fearful that the daughter will     parchment reads, “Those seeking to bring death shall
         leave the district and never return.  They come to the   be sought by death”.
         PC(s) to convince them to help break the two lovers
         up.                                                    The Man On The Poster
         Miss Understood                                        Location: K24
         Location: M17                                          A wanted poster has been nailed up - Wanted: Mai
                                                                Kawashaki, for Petty Theft.  A ronin is reading the
         While at the Fishmonger waiting for a meal, the PC     poster, looks at one of the PC(s), and suggests that
         (s) overhear the Fishmonger explaining to his appren-  they are the man on the poster.
         tice to not stray off to the North to try to woo any of
         the Yakama women because he heard from his wife’s      Weird and Wild Wine
         mother that the Yakama women are sirens who kill       Location: F22
         unsuspecting men.
                                                                While walking along the road of the district, the PC
         Waste of Resources                                     (s) observe three wagons being carefully guarded by

         Location: I28                                          scruffy and shifty looking mercenaries heading
                                                                North. They bully the residents of the area as they
         While relaxing in the district, the PC(s) get their ear   travel.  There are barrels of cheap sake in the wagon.
         bent by some locals about how the Yakama family
         being a bunch of idiots, and how they simply wasted    9/10th of the Law
         the district citizens money on foliage, but not defens-  Location: M20
         es.  Everyone in the District knows the Yakama have
         enemies that are waiting for the opportunity to de-    A large crate has washed up on the shore under the
         stroy everything associated with the family, and are   bridge.  It’s contents are a mystery sealed with a Spe-
         scared.                                                cial Lock.
         Lost or Stolen Goods
         Location: J14

         A wandering man attempts to steal your purse.  He
         runs across the bridge and into the forest. The urchin

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