P. 59

Character Profile                                                     Quirks
                                                                           1– Luck____________________________________
     NAME (First)_Miki______ NAME (Last)_Yakama______ GENDER: _F_
                                                                           Effect:_+2 to Critical Hits and Fatal Strike rolls___
     AGE: 36_ WEIGHT:_120_ HEIGHT:_5’5” PERSONALITY:_Guardian_______
                                                                           2– Natural Leader____________________________
     REGION: Akita, Akita___________ AFFILIATION:_Yakama______ /_N/A Pts
                                                                           Effect: 1D6 Odds & Evens roll to convince others __
     FAVORITE FOOD: Karaage___________________________ +7_ Health Points

     Character Attributes                          Bonus /      Martial Arts Discipline
                                                 Hindrance     NAME:_Jujutsu________________________________________
      HEALTH POINTS          138
                                                  +__/-__      WHITE:_50/50        BROWN:155/155       5th BLACK:500/500
      CARRY POINTS           13                   +__/-__      YELLOW:_60/60    RED:178/178               6th BLACK:600/600

      PHYSICAL BEAUTY POINTS                 7    +__/-__      ORANGE:_67/67_ 1st BLACK:_177/177  7th BLACK:700/700

      MOVEMENT POINTS              8              +__/-__      GREEN:_70/70_     2nd BLACK:200/200   8th BLACK:____/____
                                                               BLUE:_77/77_        3rd BLACK:300/300    9th BLACK:____/____
      AWARENESS POINTS             10             +__/-__
                                                               PURPLE:_122/122  4thBLACK:400/400     MASTER:____/____
      DEFENSIVE POINTS            9               +__/-__

      STRENGTH POINTS  8                          +__/-__      Possession List
      STAMINA POINTS            8                 +_2_/-__     1._Yakama Student Uniform____________________ Qty.:_1__

                                                               Bonus:_Access into Yakama Dojo______________________
       STEALTH POINTS           5                 +__/-__
                                                               2.________________________________________ Qty.:_____
      Ki ENERGY:_2,704__________________  Bonus:+_______       Bonus:____________________________________________
                                                               3.________________________________________ Qty.:_____
      Throwing Range:_18____       Bonus:+_______
     Animal 1                    TRAINING                      4.________________________________________ Qty.:_____
      KIND:___________________   OBD PTS EARNED:_____
                                                               5.________________________________________ Qty.:_____
      HEA:_____  CAR:____  STR:____  DEF:____  STA:____
      MOV:____   STE:____  AWA:____  OBD:____                  Bonus:____________________________________________

     Animal 2                    TRAINING
                                                               Points & CURRENCY
      KIND:___________________   OBD PTS EARNED:_______
                                                               HANSATSU:_7,512___________  EXP. POINTS:_N/A_________
                                                               POINTS OF REKNOWN:
      HEA:_____  CAR:____  STR:____  DEF:____  STA:____
      MOV:____   STE:____  AWA:____  OBD:____                  Fame:_3,015,160____________  Notoriety:_3,273,060_________

      Mystic Abilities                       Miki Yakama is the only Yakama woman to attempt to
                                             follow in Master Ganryu Yakama's interest in biology
     -Thought Control_    -_________________   and healing.  Always willing to travel to find ingredi-
     -Slower_________                 ________  ______   ents to create her own concoctions, Miki understands
                                             that Ganryu will not be around forever and is trying to
     -Mind Bend____ _     -____________ ____   position herself as the next head of the Yakama house-
     -Insanity____ ____   -_________________   hold.
     -Pause__________     -_________________

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