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Alternate Realm Entertainment Presents
         The Ninja vs. Samurai RPG Book Five

                             The Nakatashi Family Dojo

         Author: Rayburn A. Jordan Jr.

         Developer: Rayburn A. Jordan Jr.
         Translator: William McClellan
         Illustrated By: Coconut Skull™, Rayburn A. Jordan Jr.
         What is Ninja vs. Samurai RPG?

            Ninja vs. Samurai RPG is a fictional game inspired by historical events, locations, and people and  cen-
         tered around various periods of Japan.  A time where the world is steeped in tradition, order and stability.  It
         is a time where honor sets president for one’s family name.  While noblemen, Samurai and ninja joust to be-
         come heads of state, many men, women and children  find focus and determination to carry themselves along
         their personal quests to find, acclaim, treasure and answers to the one question that burns within.  That ques-
         tion is not of right or wrong.

         That question is... are you Ninja or Samurai?
         About This Book ………………………………………………………………………………………….pg.: 4
         Family Information …………………………/………………………………………………………….pg.: 5-6

         Training Curriculum…..……………………………………………………………………………… 7-10
         Affiliation Quests
            1- “Fire in the Night”… 11-14
            2- “Know Thy Enemy” 14-16
            3- “Aftermath” 16-18
         Random Encounter of the Nakatashi District………………………………………………………

         Nakatashi District Information and 20-22
         Nakatashi Castle...………………………………….………………………………………...…… 23-30
         Nakatashi No Budoo Taikai (Tournament Series)

            1– Kumite No Nakatashi………………… 31
            2– Kyujutsu No Nakatashi…… 32
            3-  Randori No Nakatashi… 33

            4-  Kenjutsu No Nakatashi… 34
         Elder Quests
            1- “Something Old” 35-43
            2- “A Love Like No Other” 44-52
            3- “Disrespected” 53-61

         How to Play Nakatashi NPCs …………………………………………………………..…………… 62
         Nakatashi Non-Playable Character Sheets
            1– Genrei 63-64
            2– Mei Nakatashi 65-66
            3– Takagi Nakatashi 67-68
            4– Gataki Nakatashi 69-70

         Blank Character Sheet ………………………………………………………………………….… 71-72
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