P. 165


          Weight    Price       Name                    Description                         Status Effect
                             Potion of     This light green colored liquid affects   Replenish 20 Health Points  in
            .5        50
                             Wellbeing     the Health attribute                     one melee round
                             Poison of     This dark green colored liquid the       Deplete 20 Health Points
            .5        75     Illness       Health attribute                         in one melee round

                             Potion of     This gold colored liquid affects the     +1 Physical Beauty Points
            .5        50
                             Loveliness    Physical Beauty attribute                Lasting 1D12 melee rounds
                             Poison of     This brown colored liquid affects the    -1 Physical Beauty Points
            .5        75
                             Hag           Physical Beauty attribute                lasting 1D12 melee rounds
                             Potion of     This light orange colored liquid affects   +2 Carry Points
            .5        50
                             Convoy        the  Carry attribute                     lasting 1D12 melee rounds
                             Poison of     This dark orange colored liquid affects   -2 Carry Points
            .5        75
                             Lame          the  Carry attribute                     lasting 1D12 melee rounds
                             Potion of     This red colored liquid affects the      +2  Strength Points
            .5        50
                             Potency       Strength attribute                       lasting 1D6 melee rounds
                             Poison of     This pink colored liquid affects the     -2 Strength Points
            .5        75     Feebleness    Strength attribute                       lasting 1D6 melee rounds

                             Potion of     This light blue colored liquid affects the  +1 Defense Points
            .5        50
                             Security      Defense attribute                        lasting 1D6 melee rounds
                             Poison of     This dark blue colored liquid affects the  -1 Defense Points
            .5        75
                             Atrophy       Defense attribute                        lasting 1D6 melee rounds
                             Potion of     This light yellow colored liquid affects   +1 Stamina Points lasting 1D4
            .5        50
                             Grit          the Stamina attribute                    melee rounds
                             Poison of     This dark yellow colored liquid affects   -1 Stamina Points
            .5        75
                             Frailties     the Stamina attribute                    lasting 1D4 melee rounds
                             Potion of     This purple colored liquid affects the   +1 Movement Points
            .5        50
                             Haste         Movement attribute                       lasting 1D4 melee rounds
                             Poison of     This orange colored liquid affects the   -1 Movement Points
            .5        75
                             Delay         Movement attribute                       lasting 1D4 melee rounds
                             Potion of     This light grey colored liquid affects the  +1 Stealth Points
            .5        50
                             Secrecy       Stealth attribute                        lasting 1D4 melee rounds
                             Poison of     This dark grey colored liquid affects the  -1 Stealth Points
            .5        75
                             Bumbling      Stealth attribute                        lasting 1D4 melee rounds           C
                             Potion of     This clear colored liquid affects the    +1 Awareness Points                h
            .5        50                                                                                               a
                             Sentience     Awareness attribute                      lasting 1D8 melee rounds           p
                             Poison of     This cloudy colored liquid affects the   -1 Awareness Points                t e
            .5        75
                             Ignorance     Awareness attribute                      lasting 1D8 melee rounds           r
                             Potion of     This blue colored liquid affects the Ki   Replenish 10 Ki Energy Points
            .5        50
                             Vitality      Energy Points                            in one melee round
                             Poison of     This magenta colored liquid affects the   Deplete 10 Ki Energy Points
            .5        75
                             Lethargy      Ki Energy Points                         in one melee round
                                                                                                        Grey= Potions

                                                                                                     White= Poisons

   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167   168   169   170