P. 41
PART 5 “Hay in a Needle Stack” PART 6 “Who’s the Boss?”
Location: Takashiro District Location: Takashiro District
When the PC(s) walk into the Geisha House they Inside the Luxury House the group is lead passed
are greeted by a beautiful woman. There are several the front room and into the back where there is a
people lounging in the front room enjoying a relax- grossly obese man eating a plate of shrimp. He is
ing time. A total of nine men and thirteen women wearing a bib and no shirt and shows signs of strug-
can be seen from where the PC(s) stand. gle to get his food into his mouth by wiggling his fat
GM NOTE: Six of the men are affiliated with the fingers. Behind the Boss is a fearless looking man
gang. Using the attribute PhB, the PC(s) should armed with a Tachi sword. The Boss sucks on his
socialize with the patrons that are there to discover digits after popping a few shrimp into his mouth and
means of joining their gang. PC(s) should earn 5 chews loudly while speaking to the PC(s).
Affiliations Point with the group through positive GANGLORD
social interactions, such as offering to buy drinks, So, you guys want to join me, eh? Heh. Good! I
compliments, etc. When the PC(s) have successfully need some more people. People that I can trust. I
gained the Affiliation Points, read the following: usually make new guys tryout, but I’m in a sort of a
pinch. Ya see, word on the street is that the Ta-
GANG MEMBER kashiro are really interested in the items I’m shipping
You want to join us, only one person can allow that. tomorrow and I don’t need that kind of trouble. What
C’mon guys lets go. The boss expects us back soon I need you to do is show up here tomorrow, guard the
anyway. Hey, you guys come with us. We’ll intro- shipment and when we get done I’ll hand you a large
duce you. sum of money. Do we have a deal?
Five men stand up and walk out with the man GM NOTE: If the PC(s) ask what the shipment is the
who gave the command. As the PC(s) leave the Boss will not tell them, only explaining that they need
Geisha Compound, they notice Kiyo Manata stand- to not worry about what’s in the shipment, and say
ing across the street looking on inconspicuously. that they need to ensure its safety.
PART 5 “The New Guy or the Coffin”
Good. Then I’ll see you at five o’clock tomorrow
Location: Takashiro District morning. There will be a horse and carriage outside
of this house. On it will be what you need to protect.
The PC(s) arrive at the gates of a Luxury House See you then, and bring your own equipment… just
(Map Location: Northeast: E40). The lead gang in case.
member points to a few paces back to a large bush.
PART 7 “1st Day on the Job”
Location: Takashiro District
You guys wait over there. I’m going to go inside
and talk to the boss. We’ll see what he says about By and by the PC(s) return to the home of the
you joining. Gang Boss in the early morning. As he stated, out-
A short while later the gang member returns to side the house is a horse drawn carriage. In the cart is
speak with the PC(s). His facial expression is proud, a large box, with holes drilled into it near the top. In
and his walk is ambitious as he approaches. the driver’s seat is the fearless looking guard from the
day before. He is equipped with a Basic Tachi. Five
other men stand around the cart. The boss is standing
You guys are in luck. The boss is eating. He’s al- in the doorway of the main gate.
ways really easy to work with when he’s eating. He
wants you all to come in and talk to him. Follow GANGLORD
Great!, you came. Alright. Let’s get this thing mov-
ing and to where it needs to go. Remember, just pro-
tect it the entire way, don’t let anyone stop you, and
I’ll hand you your payment when you get back.