Page 16 - The Woven Tale Press Vol. III #11
P. 16

“Waltz” and “Lupus” are taken from
The Light User Scheme (Smokestack, 2013).
A Waltz
They arrive in the white city after months of travel, they’ve heard it is a place far from decisions.
His daughter is seeing snow for the first time— she hasn’t said a word all day.
He thinks about consequences. Randomness.
He sees the city as a knot of roads, his life written on her white mind.
Lupus Street
The day after she left him, he lay on his bed. He watched the ceiling and roused himself only when the sun had set.
Two weeks later, he studied her brush all morning, pulling out the hairs. Then he washed her sock.
Four months after, he left his room
and smashed every window in the block.
RichaRd SKinneR

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