Page 17 - The Woven Tale Press Vol. III #11
P. 17

Cumbria Lumen
Light seeps fast over the dun fells
like a great curtain of yellow
opening to reveal the sky, the fields.
A vast migraine, coming forwards, stuns and sweeps through us like a broad sword, leaves us as topheavy aerials,
quivering, looking for the arc au ciel far behind in summer rain.
There is a white sunrise.
We are dreaming of a shape within a blur
and the days are not full enough.
They come, they wake us,
and there I found myself more truly and more strange.
(Lotte Kramer, Ian Hamilton, Ezra Pound, Philip Larkin, Wallace Stevens)
Skinner’s poems have appeared in numerous publications and been longlisted for the National Poetry Competition. His debut collection, The Light User Scheme, was published by Smokestack in 2013. His new pamphlet is Terrace (Smokestack, 2015). He is also the editor of two poetry anthologies: #1PoetryAnthology (Vanguard Editions, 2014) and The Ecchoing Green: Poems Inspired by William Blake(The Big Blake Project, 2015). He is Director of the Fiction Pro- gramme at Faber Academy. He also runs Vanguard Readings and its publishing arm Vanguard Editions.

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