Page 58 - WTP Vol. XI #5
P. 58

 MarGe PiercY
Well into September
The land begins to imagine fall. I saw a swirl of swallows over Cedar Pond yesterday, practicing for their trip south.
The sugar maple has already dropped some crisp leaves while roses of Sharon bloom
in pink or white, with marigolds
coneflowers, zinnias, the last roses. Tomatoes have slowed, zucchini and eggplants gone. It’s easier to sleep at night,
windows open, acorns striking the sunroof like rifle shots. There’s a quickening in the air like a train gathering speed.
The sun no longer scorches, parches. Red begins on Virginia creeper. Soon the woods will burn with roaring color.
Piercy has published twenty poetry collections, most recently Made
in Detroit and On the Way Out, Turn Off the Light; seventeen novels including Woman on the Edge of Time, Gone to Soldiers and He, She and It. She has read, lectured and given workshops in over 550 venues here and abroad. Her work is translated into 23 languages.

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