Page 12 - NUMINO TB_1A
P. 12
Graphs 88

10 How Many People Like Skating? 96
Organize Data Using Graphs 116
11 May I Have 11 Donuts? 146

Count, Read, Write, and Order Numbers 0 to 20

12 How Many Groups of 10?

Count, Read, Write, and Compare Numbers
to 90 in Groups of 10

13 Arrows on the Target

Count, Read, Write, Compare, and Order
Numbers to 99

14 Hundred Chart Puzzle

Read, Write, and Compare Numbers to 100


15 Which Line Is the Longest?

Compare, Measure, and Order
Nonstandard Units of Length

16 Which Is Heavier?

Compare and Measure Weights,
Capacities, and Temperatures

Glossary 157
Answers 165
Activity Sheets 184
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