Page 323 - NUMINO_WB_2A
P. 323
1. Shown below is the calendar for January. Answer the
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a. What day is January 24th?
b. What is the date of the day 2 weeks after the 13th?
2. Jessica went on a trip to Europe on May 5th. She plans to leave
Europe exactly 11 days later.
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On what date will Jessica leave Europe?
1. Shown below is the calendar for January. Answer the
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a. What day is January 24th?
b. What is the date of the day 2 weeks after the 13th?
2. Jessica went on a trip to Europe on May 5th. She plans to leave
Europe exactly 11 days later.
SSuunn MMoonn TTuuee WWeedd TThhuu FFrrii SSaatt
1234 56
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On what date will Jessica leave Europe?