Page 339 - NUMINO_WB_2A
P. 339
1. You can see only a part of a calendar. Answer the questions.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
13 14
a. What day is the 24th?
b. What day and date is 8 days before the 24th?
2. Today is Thursday, May 1st. Ann needs to take care of her sister
every Wednesday. Find how many days Ann needs to take care
of her sister.
1. You can see only a part of a calendar. Answer the questions.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
13 14
a. What day is the 24th?
b. What day and date is 8 days before the 24th?
2. Today is Thursday, May 1st. Ann needs to take care of her sister
every Wednesday. Find how many days Ann needs to take care
of her sister.