Page 359 - NUMINO_WB_2A
P. 359
How Many Times?
Look at the picture and write the correct numbers in the .
Step 1. Group the cars by 5’s and write the correct numbers in
the to complete the multiplication sentence.
groups of 5 is the same
as times .
Step 2. Group the cars by 3’s and write the correct numbers in
the to complete the multiplication sentence.
groups of 3 is the same
as times .
How Many Times?
Look at the picture and write the correct numbers in the .
Step 1. Group the cars by 5’s and write the correct numbers in
the to complete the multiplication sentence.
groups of 5 is the same
as times .
Step 2. Group the cars by 3’s and write the correct numbers in
the to complete the multiplication sentence.
groups of 3 is the same
as times .