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Note-taking for iBT Listening New Edition TOEFL iBT i Listening
The key to effective note-taking is being quick and concise. Familiarize yourself with the following
symbols and abbreviations, and find the most effective note-taking method for you.
Writing the shortened form of a word when taking notes will save your valuable time. However, you must be careful not
Symbols to make the word unrecognizable. There are many ways to make an abbreviation. (e.g. leave out the vowels, just write
the beginning of a long word, etc.) There is no specific rule to it, and the only thing you need to remember is to make it
Using symbols will not only save your time, but it will also make your notes easier to read. recognizable to you.
Symbol Meaning Example Abbreviation Meaning Example
→ lead to, cause, mean smoking → cancer w/ with disagree w/ distinction
← come from, because of field trip canceled ← rain w/o without available w/o charge
↓ decrease unemployment ↓ labor market something happens
↑ increase profit ↑ April i.e. that is, in other words courses, i.e. studies
@ at dinner @ French restaurant e.g. example mammals e.g. whales
& and Smith & Jones Attorneys etc. et cetera, and so on insects, scorpions, etc.
/ per 2 hours / day b/c because high prices b/c high wages
∴ therefore, so I think ∴ I am esp. especially employees esp. clerks
∵ because actions ∵ policy min. minimum yield min. 100 units
+ plus, in addition, also ride bike + skateboard max. maximum max. 1,000 units
= is equal to, to be Seoul = largest city in Korea ASAP as soon as possible send data ASAP
≠ is not the same, not to be, false results ≠ data ref. reference ref. August sales figures
# number (numbers) Q4 answer → #2 b/4 before work b/4 leisure
x times 5 x increase Co. company the firm of Smith & Co.
> greater than, more important 5>π comm. communication refer comm. department
< less than my salary < Tony’s gov’t government gov’t offices
~ approximately, more or less sum ~ 300 prof. professor Prof. Wilson
$ cost, price, dollars Price = $50,000 btw between btw 15 & 30 kg
≒ almost same a ≒ b info. information info. society
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