Page 8 - I LOVE ENGLISH 6 일부
P. 8

Scope and Sequence

            Unit            Topic                       Structure                           Vocabulary

                                                                                  play tennis, go to the movie theater,
                         Planning for         Why don’t we play tennis?           go to the gym, walk the dog,
                           Tomorrow           Sounds great!                       fix the bike, plant grass,
                                                                                  repair the dog house

                                                                                  make the bed, do the laundry,
              2          Cleaning Day         What should we do?                  clear the table, dry the dishes,
                                              We should make the bed.
                                                                                  vacuum the carpet, wash the car

              3                                                Go Check 1

                                                                                  set up the tent, dig a hole,
              4            Camping            What do we do now?                  gather tree branches,
                                              Let’s set up the tent.              build a campfire, roast sausages,
                                                                                  boil the water

                                                                                  go on picnics, go on field trips,
                                                                                  catch bugs, pick flowers,
              5       Summer Activities       Why do you like summer?             fly kites, go canoeing,
                                              Because I like to go on picnics.
                                                                                  build sandcastles,
                                                                                  climb mountains

              6                                                Go Check 2

                                              Would you like to sleep over        sleep over, have a party,
              7         Inviting Friends      at my house tomorrow?               watch a movie, play video games,
                                              Sure, I can’t wait!                 play chess, make model airplanes

                                                                                  order pizzas, bake a cake,
                                              Don’t forget to order pizzas        put out snacks,
              8       Party Preparations      tomorrow!                           defrost cupcakes,
                                              I won’t. See you tomorrow.          blow up balloons,
                                                                                  wear a costume

              9                                                Go Check 3

             10                                                Check All 1
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13