Page 109 - NUMINO Challenge_B1
P. 109
Type 12-2 Number of Sections

Draw lines on a circle and divide it into several sections. If you draw 6
lines, what is the maximum number of sections that can be formed?

1 Draw lines on the circle to divide it into the maximum number of sections.

Lines: 1 Lines: 2 Lines: 3 Lines: 4
Sections: 2 Sections: 4 Sections: Sections:

2 Complete the following table to identify the relationship between the
number of lines drawn and the number of sections formed.

Number of Lines Drawn 12345

Maximum Number of Sections 2 4

3 If six lines are drawn on a circle, what is the maximum number of sections
that can be formed?

4 If eight lines are drawn on a circle, what is the maximum number of
sections that can be formed?

106 NUMINO Challenge B1
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