Page 127 - NUMINO Challenge_B1
P. 127
Type 14-2 Measurable Volume

Here are three empty 3-L, 4-L, and 7-L bottles. Using these three
bottles, measure 5 L and 2 L of water accurately.

3L 4L 7L

1 The following table describes the steps used to measure 5 L of water using
the three bottles above. Fill in the blanks.

Steps Directions Amount of Water(L)

3-L 4-L 7-L
Bottle Bottle Bottle

Fill up the 7-L bottle with water. 007

Pour the water in the 7-L bottle into the 3-L bottle. 04

Fill up the 4-L bottle with water. Then empty the 3-L 0 4

Pour the water in the 4-L bottle into the 3-L bottle. 4

Empty the water the 3-L bottle. Then pour the water in 0 0

the 4-L bottle into the 7-L bottle.

2 The following table describes the steps used to measure 2 L of water using
the three bottles above. Fill in the blanks.

Steps Directions Amount of Water(L)
3-L 4-L 7-L
Fill up the 3-L bottle with water. Bottle Bottle Bottle



Then empty the 4-L bottle. 0

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